In this article, well be exploring the 11 starseed types. Pleiadians are drawn to water animals i.e. Super, that about your downloads! The formula is simple, your insight and supernatural skills aid you. It might be agreed before birth, or it could be engineered against a persons free-will. While being incarnated on the planet, as a human, does not make us an Earthling forever. Pluse, I dont know about you all, but Id rather try and see myself as universal. Dig Deeper: Lyran Starseed Am I One? I feel the same feelings.. im indigo children A starseed losing sight of their light and purpose is nothing but detrimental. The Individualogist Team is made up of archetype fanatics, individuation practitioners, and spirituality fans. Im definitely a lyran, as I know my traits, some of which arent listed under lyran. (Signs, Traits, Mission & More), Sirian Starseed Am I One? There are evolved Draconians who only wish to help raise humanitys vibration, and there are unevolved Draconians who have incarnated on Earth with the sole intent of harnessing resources for their own gain and personal power. They travel with one purpose; to help Earth and other worlds evolve. Then there is also Lemuria. This means they only retain a small percentage of their true energy which can be startling for some Andromedans. This might look like healing a family trauma that spans generations, or breaking away from a family and learning to live independently. These types of starseeds possess a multitude of supernatural gifts such as clairsentience, light working, and spiritual cleansing. Though its said their galaxy is spiritually linked to ours. Hello David! It is only after I met my Twin Flame, who taught me how to create boundaries and be more practical, I am more balanced now. Archangel Jophiel: 4 Beautiful Ways to Connect [Ultimate Guide! Or spirit guides? Unlike the other starseed types, lightworkers are not associated to any star, planet, or galaxy. Believe me when I tell you, its not! Its actually relatively close to our solar system, being only 444 light-years away from the Sun! The Warrior can sometimes be guilty of making rash judgment calls. But again vampires/zombies scare he daylight out of me. Saoirse Clare is an energetic mentor for Starseeds, creator of the Starchetype System, and author of the book "Starseed Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide." . You can learn to release stagnant energy with joy. It maybe sounds stupid but I cant figure out where it comes from, To be honest with you, No! Thank you ? Starseeds house a plethora of wisdom and psychic abilities deep within the core of their being. [], Yeo what if you feel connected to all 12 starseeds like I am griot bitches lol OG seeds thanks for clarification oracle, Guess we all just guardians of the universe lezzz do it starteibe you my people love you alll hi hi hi hi oo. The Heart-Centred Soul (The Lover) 8. They question everything that doesnt have a clear reason. This hibernation mode typically acts as a self-defense mechanism, a cocoon until youre ready to awaken. (Signs, Traits, Missions & More). Known as the most benevolent of all types, Andromedan starseeds are souls that originated from the Andromeda Galaxy. You find the words better than I do though. The free spirit lives by their own code. Close to 78 million beings on Earth were sent here from planets, galaxies, and star clusters far beyond our solar system. This is a gift given to starseeds as healers. Souls are matched with a being based on many factors including energetic blueprint, aura, and akashic records, but physical appearance isnt one of them. My connection to stars is getting stronger everyday. Therefore, in January and December, 2020/2021, many Venusians will begin to live and breathe through the conceptual pain of Home. Weaknesses:You dont have it in you to put your own needs first. The concepts of vampires and zombies, really freak me out. Great work! Riso and Hudson's Enneagram model also includes nine variations or levels of each personality type. The sooner you can see this the better off youre going to be. Challenges:The biggest challenge of the ruler is giving up control. Hathor is an ancient Egyptian goddess born of love, motherhood, and fertility. Feline starseeds are those who can never stop developing themselves. Read more about the Dogons connection to Sirius here. Alpha centaurians come from the alpha centauri star system, which is the closest star and planetary system to ours. Here, youll find tools, insight, and actionable guidance to help you along your path. I relate to three different starseed types. Charlotte is a renowned Trauma Psychotherapist, Astrologer, and Founder of Typically Topical. Greys, a particular sub-race of Orions are said to be stuck here reincarnating on Earth life afterlife. There are 12 types of Starseeds, all of which you can learn more about here. But, of course, I could be wrong. Its said the first humans originate from Lyra. They see the value in challenges and recognise that everything is here to teach them in subtle ways. The realm of Mintaka no longer exists, so its believed this is why many Mintakans, if they do still exist on Earth, feel even more homesick than other starseed types. Dig Deeper: Orion Starseed Am I One? So I talk openly about why Im here and my mission. Saoirse Clare currently lives in Arizona with her husband, Philip, and their two adorable tailless tabby cats, Pokey and Babou. I have an intense interest in ancient Egypt. The I AM is for each of us the Womb, the Home of the original Home. I did resonate with all of the Pleiadian Star Seed traits . Bookmark this page and come back for the live stream on Thursday Jan 14th at 7pm EST (4pm Pacific). Note: Dark Reptilians are different to Light Reptilian starseeds. Mintaka is no longer in existence. You can use your divine wisdom to look at a situation beyond its surface value. What is a Starseed? Very interesting Charlotte. scientific beings youll be interested and intrigued in all things science, chemistry, astronomy, genetics, etc. As they are the minority on the planet, they often flee to other systems to escape. The Starseed (Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal) The 8 Most Common Soul Archetypes: Which One Best Describes You? Sort of like an auto polite mode in the most undepressing way possible lol I actually quite enjoy it. Its a little meaningless in that sense. Lyran starseeds were the oldest souls in our known galaxy. Wishes everyone else was just as loving. Im a blue indigo star seed but it doesnt mention much about them. Then your experiences will not come Home. This is because maybe your planet was destroyed in a war ,or you just had a strong desire to experience a new environment in your past life , or you have a very important mission to accomplish on this earth or it can just be to balance your deeds that you did in your past life. We all fall roughly in line with one of these, and each has its own specific strengths and weaknesses. And you may not quite understand why. Theyre also incredibly gifted at divination and channeling. Maybe you felt a few resonated, which makes perfect sense. May exhibit strong feminine, nurturing energy, People-pleasers, often to their own detriment. Shah I gotten this far so just to believe in my intuition. Im here on a mission. salt of the earth type people: spiritual individuals that also embrace the ways of the earth, dont express their emotions well; have a hard time with communication in relationships; may seen closed-off, interest in magic, metaphysics, witchcraft and alternative healing, may have Lyran starseed traits, particularly cat-like or lion-like traits, maintain a few close friends instead of many casual friends and acquaintances. Crystals on the other hand emanate from Archangel Gabriel. Pleiadians are a type of starseed from the Pleiades star system. P.S Dont forget to join our Starseed community, and receive my weekly, 5* reviewed emails specifically crafted for Starseeds and Lightworkers to flourish on Earth. Dark Reptilians. My heart and soul is leaping with excitement right now. I am all about helping others and I am a firm believer that it is possible to attain unconditional love. Found within the Taurus constellation, the star cluster Pleaides houses this second type of starseeds. My God! A reptilian.. an old women I think a shaman.. and others . I seem to have a retention deficient but crave knowledge although I do believe we know more than we think we know it has just been forgotten. Lyrans are a type of starseed from the Lyra constellation. these are the individuals who want nothing more in life than to have strong relationships with others: romantic, friendships, etc. I will also note we have a similar username my email being lovely.Lisa29 Orion starseeds originate from one of the most known and well-documented constellations in the universe. Always chasing that knowledge, as we all have that God Soark within thats constantly craving to learn MORE! There is a difference between being in charge and being a true leader. Avian starseeds believe that spiritual strength and freedom are the cores of advancing civilization. The message received while channeling this system was clear: where we come from as Starseeds matters less than what we are here to do in this incarnation. many go backpacking or give up their jobs to follow their dreams of exploring the world), often cant stay in monogamous relationships, have a commitment problem, emotionally guarded and avoid conflict as much as possible, tall, thin and some bald easily in their earthly bodies. But somewhere else too, but here are a lot of stuff that could help narrow everything down: I have an extreme thirst for knowledge, specifically in healing and biology. It feels like home to me. Your soul falls into one of these four types. Theyre known for wearing their feelings on their sleeves and are happy to let others into their inner world. Why cant they be just simple at heart with each other and what not! 21 Major Signs, Mission & More. In the end, the Teacher, The-Acher, became the one who was in pain. What type of starseed are you? Were all searching meaning and identity. Crystal children are considered the starseed group. My news for you is that no one is human and everyone, including earthly starseeds, are human. So, what can I do to help Mother Earth feel the love and light that I wish to give her. The Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids to align with the Sirius constellation, an homage to the Egyptian goddess of magic, motherhood and fertility. Any tips of someone is going through something similar would be appreciated. They exude humility and love. I was also a pleiadian. I am very much a jack of all trades and spend a lot of time creating all types of things, from drawing to painting , woodworking, jewelry making and other such crafty stuff. I also love to teach. Not only do they set a high bar for themselves, but they also expect others to reach the same standards. Click Here to Begin the Next Chapter of Your Spiritual Evolution. I used to believe it was a secret too. The Maverick wont just accept things because thats the way theyve always been. Does your soul hail from another planet or star system? Both were vast continents populated by advanced beings that developed technological, philosophical, and healing technologies. Fortunately, Andromedans are extremely gifted at accessing the Akashic records, which can help an Andromedan starseed discover their true purpose after reincarnation. In today's episode, Saoirse reviews the energy updates presented by the Augur Illumination phase that occurred from 4/4-4/15 and talks about why it is no coincidence this phase happened at the same ti. Since they inherently have the intellect for innovation, they were quickly able to flourish here. But theyre not just confined to positions of royalty. I relate to several Starseed types. Dont forget that this list isnt a complete list of ALL types of starseeds, but the ones that most often incarnate on Mother Earth, aka Terra. Its an in-built trait. They both involve the dead eating the living, in order to keep moving forward. Small actions do add up as a collective, and Im never one to believe that all hope is lost but perhaps whats happening to Earth is a spiritual lesson for humanity in itself; if we cant look after what provides for us, perhaps we shouldnt have it at all. They dont call one place home; I like to call them star nomads for this reason. Feline starseeds are not the type to be focused on the outside world. Now Agarthans are incarnating on the earths surface to help us. Pioneers, they are incredibly dedicated to their soul mission. Interests change, prioritise change, you change. They may then discover that Love is to release the other. Their biggest lesson is in allowing their process to occur naturally. Theyre relatively secretive and unlike other starseed types, are most likely to have both positive and negative races here on Earth. Compassionate activists about things theyre interested in, Jack of all trades have a lot of knowledge about lots of topics, Often incarnate as Earth signs: Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Interested in science biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, Very rarely get angry or show outbursts of emotion, Love being on Earth and so close to the water element, Drawn to the ocean and oceanic beings, whales and dolphins especially, Can be too flighty with their emotions if not grounded, Interested in careers involving water e.g. Its believed that Earth is heading towards a Sirian culture at a rather rapid rate. Things are rapidly changing in me as Im reading. etc. If youre an old soul especially, you might have lived hundreds of past lives across many different galaxies and planets. You are in tune not only with your emotions, but with other peoples feelings as well. I am sensitive to light, smell, sound. Charlotte. It could be in the form of lending a shoulder to cry on, providing for them, or simply telling them that they are not alone. The seven sisters of their star group are said to open all those who seek a deeper level of consciousness. Yet, our True Source of Origin took on these experiences, and integrating them. Weaknesses:The Lover can be too much of a people pleaser. Lightworkers do not possess any judgment or biases as they always see the good in people. I believe I was mostly recently a Orion Starseed. The star beings are able to be contacted through channeling and divination. The King needs little introduction. There is no maliciousness behind their behavior. Keep an open mind there might be more to you than just a single star! Theyll never back down for fear of being perceived as coward. They see the broad picture, but that can often lead to unrefined thinking and using brute force. If you look at how different the 1940s to 1960s were in terms of ways of living, technological advancement, and acceptance of others, its clear to see the influence of the indigo starseed. I didnt know what that was until many year later. What type does that make me?? It isnt power theyre seeking. Now Im human with a life lesson of the golden rule. I have a question. Long before Earth came to be what we know today, it is believed that Maldek was a planet in our solar system with an endless supply of water and greenery. Incredibly telepathic, can receive information via the mind, May seem big-headed or egotistical if out of alignment, Often will climb a corporate ladder on Earth (tendency to rise to the top), Often found in fields such as: mathematics, data, science, communication, technology, medicine, engineering, architecture, Can be compassionate, but very guarded with their emotions, May seem callous as theyre not in tune with other peoples emotions, Interested in the mathematical side of spirituality e.g. The Lyrans who arent incarnated on our planet are typically found in the higher dimensions in the sixth dimension and up. When they want to, they have a strong sense of humor, and are full of joy and gratitude. Its believed that once theyve served their purpose, they either die and reincarnate into a different galaxy or energetically receive another mission within their current life form. Purpose: Sirians are the peacekeepers and guardians of the world. Or are you of Starseed origin? I always wondered but recently it is getting too much of a deep feeling that, I do not belong to this place, I want to go back my home, why all others in my family are so different and complicated? This brings the Star Wars at more peace, where Earth is now the Station where it is fought out. , are human own needs first is possible to attain unconditional love read more about the Dogons connection Sirius! Scientific beings youll be interested and intrigued in all things science, chemistry, astronomy,,. Live and breathe through the conceptual pain of Home of each personality type avian augur starseed archetype that. Before birth, or it could be wrong linked to ours possible to unconditional..., smell, sound populated by advanced beings that developed technological, philosophical, and.... Sirians are the cores of advancing civilization ), Sirian starseed am one... More to you than just a single star Pokey and Babou scare he daylight out me! 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