For Tier 1 public safety workers hired before 2011, surviving spouses were already eligible to receive a portion of the deceaseds pension regardless of how many years of service an employee had. Attorney Atwell replied that there currently is a consolidation lawsuit and until the court rules, he would hold off at this time. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. In Illinois, there is a rich body of law concerning interference with pension rights and benefits. In October the Governors pension consolidation task force recommended three changes in Tier 2 benefits for downstate and suburban police and fire funds, all of which were incorporated into Senate Bill 616. cost of the Tier 2 benefit in FY2019 was 7.1%, holds great significance for first responders, An Inventory of Local Governments in Illinois: Municipalities, Inventory of Local Governments in Illinois, Illinois Criminal Justice System Agency Budget Requests for Fiscal Year 2022, An Inventory of Local Governments in Illinois: Townships, An Inventory of Local Governments in Illinois, The Graduated Income Tax Proposal: An Issue Brief, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. What do you think? story Its all, I suppose, a trick of assuming that there is a singular People of Illinois who, through their ratification of the constitution, promised to pay future benefits when they come due, rather than recognizing that the People of 1970 (presumably quite unknowingly) restricted future generations of Illinoisians by forcing them to make these payments without limitation. The Illinois Police Officers' Retirement Investment Fund told lawmakers at a committee hearing that some individual funds resisted transferring their assets due to ongoing litigation challenging the constitutionality of the law. Required fields are marked *. The Civic Federations recently released Inventory of Local Governments in Illinois report identified a total of 8,923 units of local government in Illinois. The lawsuit said the law violated the state's pension protection clause, the contracts clause and the takings clause of the Illinois Constitution by terminating "plaintiffs' authority to. Rather, the Illinois Supreme Court says that the constitution-writers intentionally gave pensions an elevated level of protection beyond what the U.S. Constitution requires via this clause. Illinois Police Officers Pension Investment Fund 1) Review and possible approval of IPOPIF Exhibit A Resolution . Our goals are to ensure Pension Fund integrity and to educate participants about retirement and disability benefits. A pension consolidation task force Thursday released a report that recommends the state combine roughly 650 suburban and Downstate police and fire pension funds to try to increase efficiency and lower costs while also increasing pension benefits. Illinois The lawsuit alleged that the consolidation violates two provisions of the Illinois Constitution: the pension protection clause and the takings clause. What the grassroots Illinoisians think about it is another question. 993 AND H.R. . As indicated by the discussion above, determining when or if Tier 2 benefits will violate IRS rules is not simple. Ultimately, the combination of unknown costs for the benefit increases and uncertain savings from consolidation means taxpayers should be wary of any potential benefits of this bill. The latest example involved pension buyouts, which were budgeted to reduce General Funds contributions by more than $400 million in FY2019 but ended up saving about $13 million that year. of the board members. Gov. B. Pritzker, who signed the bill into law. According to a legal analysis commissioned by the Illinois Municipal League, Tier 2 does not satisfy the safe harbor rules because the pensionable salary cap has not increased as fast as the Social Security wage base. The new Police Officers Pension Investment Fund sought legislation during the spring session to push off the deadline by a year but it stalled. In the recent case challenging the consolidation, the plaintiffs follow the example of Buddell by maintaining that Public Act 101-0610 has similarly deprived their vested pension benefits. Lawsuit Challenges Pension Asset Consolidation by John E. Motylinski In 2019, the Illinois General Assembly passed Public Act 101-0610, which required downstate police and firefighter local pension funds' assets to be consolidated into statewide funds for investment purposes. 300 S. Riverside Plaza | 1650 | Chicago, IL 60606 lawsuit filed by a handful of . Illinois Gov. In December 2019, Gov. The law is aimed at easing shortfalls in Illinois local public safety pensions by merging more than $16 billion in assets from the 650 retirement plans into two funds, one for police and one for firefighters. 2) Increase pensionable salary cap. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. By cutting down on duplicative administrative costs and. Lawmakers justified the changes by pointing to potential violations of a provision of federal law known as safe harbor. The Internal Revenue Code requires state and local government employees to either receive Social Security or be part of a retirement system that is at least as generous. At some point, even with the high multiplier, Tier 2 police and fire benefits might not meet the alternative IRS standards, but the analysis does not suggest the timing of any potential violation. By: Matthew J. Schueler. Since our last newsletter, on November 10, 2021 the More than $13 billion in debt was owed to local downstate public safety pension plans through 2020, according to Illinois Department of Insurance data. Problems include: Nicklas and some other city leaders are relived to see their pensions consolidated, noting the underfunded plans weigh on budgets and credit ratings, contributing to a slowed economic recovery from the pandemic. Please e-mail[emailprotected]with your query. The two sides last year laid out arguments seeking a summary judgment. Will be used in accordance with our terms of service & privacy policy. "We also have transfers scheduled for June 1 and June 24. Recently, however, the consolidation encountered its first legal challengea class action lawsuit claiming Public Act 101-0610 unconstitutional. Copyright 2023 Ottosen DiNolfo Hasenbalg & Castaldo, Ltd. | Web Design & Hosting: B Square Web. 300 S. Riverside Plaza | 1650 | Chicago, IL 60606 Final average salary: Senate Bill 616 restores the higher Tier 1 level based on the average of the highest four of the last five years, instead of the average of the highest eight of the last ten years., Daily Treasury Par Yield Curve Rates 28 Feb 2023, The Inflationary Effects of Sectoral Reallocation, Daily Treasury Par Yield Curve Rates 23 Feb 2023, On the Limitations of Dataset Balancing: The Lost Battle Against Spurious Correlations, Years of life lost to COVID-19 in 81 countries, Daily Treasury Par Yield Curve Rates 22 Feb 2023, Daily Treasury Par Yield Curve Rates 17 Feb 2023, Daily Treasury Par Yield Curve Rates 16 Feb 2023, CalPERS Refusal to Put Clearly Insolvent Long-Term Care Insurance Plan in Bankruptcy Increases Harm to Policyholders and Makes Board and Responsible Executives Liable. Officials in more than 650 suburban and downstate Illinois towns need to be laser focused in early 2022 on the implementation of the state's massive investment overhaul of police and firefighter pensions. The quotation referencing $15 million plus interest is misleading, at best.. On June 25, 2021, the Defendants filed motions to dismiss the Plaintiffs amended complaint, and the court has given the Plaintiffs until August 4, 2021, to respond to these motions. From this, the Illinois Supreme Court has held that public employees have an inviolable contractual right to their vested pension benefits, which cannot be diminished or impaired. This is not a part of some grand principle, but tossed in as a miscellaneous item among the text of the oath of office, the authorization of state funding of public transportation, and the requirement of a supermajority for the authorization of branch banking by the General Assembly. In the task force report, the cost is estimated at $70 million to $95 million over five years, or $14 million to $19 million per year, but there is no supporting documentation for the estimate. The league stated it is confident it will beat the legal challenge. Consolidation Lawsuit Update . Court Rejects Legal Challenge to Illinois Pension Consolidation, Ray Dalio Is Now Ranking Economies by Their Strengths and Weaknesses, Pension Risk Transfers: What to Watch Out For, Kentucky Retirement System Trustees Say It Is Not Subject to State's Anti-ESG Law, Sequoia Capital, Thoma Bravo, Paradigm Sued for Touting FTX, Ohio STRS Loses 9.52% in 2022, Board Rejects Neville Vote of Confidence. Tier 2 employees are subject to a pensionable salary cap that began at $106,800 and has grown since 2011 at half of inflation or 3% per year, whichever is less. Consolidation: Attorney Mancini . If the court agrees with Attorney General Kwame Raouls office which is representing the state, the plaintiffs would appeal through a routine appeals process. Such actions are likely to generate long-term savings. These pensions are primarily funded through the statessecond-highestin the nation property taxes, diverting taxpayer dollars from improving cities core services. Kane Co. Case No. The plaintiffs claim that they had a contractual and enforceable right to exclusively manage and control their investment expenditures and income, including interest dividends, capital gains, and other distributions on investments, which the consolidation has infringed upon. The lawsuit alleged that the consolidation violates two provisions of the Illinois Constitution: the pension protection clause and the takings clause. . In fact, the Court even proposed that a reamortization schedule would have been sufficient to avoid a funding burden (p. 20) that is, rejecting the notion that there is any particular urgency to funding pension liabilities at any particular level at any particular point in time. Even without class status, all funds would be impacted if the court overturns the legislation. As the plaintiffs articulate one example, a retired-beneficiary participant previously had the benefit of a 2.1% vote (1 out of 47) for the one beneficiary selected member of his pension fund, and thus, effectively a 0.43% say regarding the Boards selection of an investment manager or advisor. However, [a]s a result of Public Act 101-0610, he will only have the benefit of a 1/8,830 vote (1 out of 8,830) for the one beneficiary-selected member of the nine-person Permanent Board of the Firefighters Pension Investment Fund, which equates to just a 0.0013% say regarding the Permanent Boards selection of an investment manager or advisor. The plaintiffs also claim that their vested benefits have been diminished because the consolidation law requires each downstate pension fund to ultimately bear all costs of transition, up to $15,000,000, plus interest.. A husband or wife of a deceased police officer or firefighter will now be eligible for two-thirds of the deceaseds accrued pension benefits, regardless of how long the person worked before their death. Copyright 2022 The Civic Federation The Illinois Police Officers' Pension Fund Investment Board is now accepting resumes and RFP's for the following positions: Executive Director General Legal Counsel Administrative Services Please visit this link for the full job description and details on RFP's. t 217.528.8800 f 312.212.5277 e, Copyright 2023 Illinois Policy | Illinois' comeback story starts here. In 2013, Illinois passed legislation which aimed to reduce pension liabilities, but various groups representing the affected employees filed suit, and the Supreme Court overturned the legislation in a 2015 decision. Any increase in actual returns will be partly due to the consolidated funds ability to invest in riskier investments. While consolidation cuts down on duplicative administrative costs and pools investment assets for larger returns, downstate police and fire pension debt is only about5%of total state obligations. 994 108th Congress (2003-2004). But consolidation is a small step for a tiny portion of Illinois pension problem. . Made possible by a generous grant from the v. Governor Jay Robert "J.B." Pritzker, et al. Protected by Google ReCAPTCHA. . Updates on Pension Consolidation Lawsuit 2) Update on Sean Madden Disability Application . Salaries can grow beyond the cap, but the portion that is used to calculate pension benefits cannot. In 1991, the collective ratio was at 75.65% and peaked at 77.31% in 1999. An Illinois Circuit Court judge refused a trial which sought to stop the consolidation of the state's 650 fire and police pension funds, rejecting the plaintiff's claims that a law enacting the decision violated the state constitution.. A Tier 2 public safety employees final average salary, which serves as the basis for calculating monthly and annual pension payments at the end of a career, will now be based on the highest four out of the last five years rather than the highest eight of the last 10. The firefighters consolidation had more widespread support among funds when the 2019 legislation was being debated while some police funds and pension associations opposed it. Ill. Const. It is supposed to cut administrative costs and raise investment returns but rating agencies consider it a positive credit step because municipal budgets are strained by rising payment demands that have forced some to raise taxes, cut services, issue pension obligation bonds, and sell off assets. In other words, the key words that the Court emphasizes are diminished or impaired, not enforceable contractual relationship.. Pensionable salary cap: The Tier 2 pensionable salary cap currently increases at one-half of CPI or 3%, whichever is less. Youre invited to comment at! In DeKalb, police and fire pension costs use up about20%of general fund revenue, up from 10% in 2014, said city manager Bill Nicklas. Police Officers' Pension Investment Fund. No plaintiff has any right to direct the investment of the monies held by the funds or direct that they receive any different course of payments (either in amount or frequency) beyond that established by statute and the funds. Handing out increased pension benefits without accounting for or offsetting the long-term cost is largely how Illinois got into its pension crisis to begin with. Three dozen current employees and retirees, along with 18 local retirement plans, filed a lawsuit in February in Illinois circuit court saying the consolidation violates the state. In Illinois most public employees, including teachers and public safety workers (but excluding most members of the State Employees Retirement System), do not have to pay into Social Security. In addition, the 1970 constitution, and its drafters, cared not in the least for pension funding, only that the benefits are paid out to retirees; and the legislature, in its 2013 benefits-reduction legislation, was not making the case that it could not pay benefits which were due, but that the burden placed on the state budget of prefunding those benefits was too great. The Illinois Police Officers Pension Investment Fund said it completed its third tranche of asset transfers on May 2, and that to date 46 plans have transferred more than $1 billion worth of assets to the IPOPIF consolidated fund. 2019 consolidation legislation. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy 3) Increase final average salary. Governor's Pension Consolidation Feasibility Task Force Report. Will be used in accordance with our terms of service & privacy policy. It recommended that additional introductory language be added specifying that the rights conferred thereunder were [s]ubject to the authority of the General Assembly to enact reasonable modifications in employee rates of contribution, minimum service requirements and the provisions pertaining to the fiscal soundness of the retirement systems.. This clause has been construed by our court on numerous occasions, most recently in Kanerva v. Weems, 2014 IL 115811. Discovery shareholder, having accepted . The Act does nothing more than require one type of government-created pension fund to transfer assets to another type of government-created pension fund. For more than a decade, the Civic Federation has strongly supported consolidation of hundreds of police and fire department pension funds across Illinois to improve investment returns and reduce administrative costs. Appointment of DOI Security Administrator: . More than $13 billion in debt was owed to local downstate public safety pension plans through 2020, according to Illinois Department of Insurance data. Attorneys Daniel Konicek and Amanda Hamilton, of Konicek & Dillon, of Geneva, represented the plaintiffs. This includes 2,826 general purpose governments and 6,097 special purpose governments During a series of State appropriations hearings held by the Illinois General Assembly in both the House and Senate this spring, State agency leaders discussed their budget requests included in Governor Pritzkers We welcome any questions and feedback about the content of this blog. If funds who delayed their transfer wish to transfer after the May 20 court ruling, we will accommodate them as we are able, White said. DeGette. . The Newsletter Bringing the Legal System to Light. Illinois Gov. The difference might be accounted for by the proposed change in the calculation of final average salary, which lowers the required multiplier under IRS rules. The task force also noted that these estimated costs are minor compared to increases in investment returns projected to be earned by the consolidated funds compared with the 649 existing police and fire funds. Illinois is home to the nations worst pension crisis, leaving taxpayers on the hook for $317 billion in unfunded pension liabilities for the five statewide retirement systems. The Illinois Police Officers' Pension Investment Fund told lawmakers during a committee hearing that some individual funds have resisted moving their assets because of pending litigation challenging the constitutionality of the 2019 consolidation legislation. TheFirst Responder Pension Consolidationlaw currently faces a lawsuit challenging it on constitutional grounds, claiming the measure diminishes pension benefits. The legislation proposes that the salary cap grow by 3% or the inflation rate, whichever is less. Consolidating scores of local firefighter and police pension funds could save Illinois taxpayers between $820 million and $2.5 billion in the next five years, according to a report published Thursday by a state task force that's been studying the issue since January. . The General Assembly created Tier 2 in 2010 to reduce the States overwhelming pension obligations by significantly lowering benefits for new workers. However, as pointed out by the Civic Federation, lawmakers never definitively established that a safe harbor violation existed for Tier 2 public safety workers, nor that the changes in this bill were the minimum necessary to bring the plans into compliance. To qualify for exemption from Social Security coverage, government workers must receive a retirement benefit from their public pension plan that is at least equal to the benefit they would receive under Social Security. Illinois Some pension experts warned as early as 2010 that the new benefit structure was so low that it might force certain government employees to participate in the Social Security system. The First Responder Pension Consolidation law currently faces a lawsuit challenging it on constitutional grounds, claiming the measure diminishes pension benefits. 802 South 2nd Street | Springfield, IL 62704 Gov. The General Assembly created Tier 2 in 2010 to reduce the State's overwhelming pension obligations by significantly lowering benefits for new workers. Rock Island Alderman Mark Poulos, Ward 6, has been appointed as a temporary trustee to the Illinois Police Officers' Pension Investment Fund by Gov. Arlington Heights Police Pension Fund, et al. The plaintiffs also argued the consolidation impaired their benefits because it required the local funds to pay up to $15 million, plus interest, to transition, operate and administer the new funds. J.B. Pritzker announced his support for a plan for the state to combine roughly 650 suburban and Downstate police and fire pension funds last month, the Illinois Fraternal Order of . H.R. In fact, the text cites multiple attempts to provide some alternate language to the constitutions blanket statement, which did not succeed: We note, moreover, that after the drafters of the 1970 Constitution initially approved the pension protection clause, a proposal was submitted to Delegate Green by the chairperson of the Illinois Public Employees Pension Laws Commission, an organization established by the General Assembly to, inter alia, offer recommendations regarding the impact of proposed pension legislation. He projected the consolidation could yield an extra $2.5 billion in investment returns over five years after the law took effect Jan. 1, 2020. Illinois is home to the nation's worst pension crisis, leaving taxpayers on the hook for $317 billion in unfunded pension liabilities for the five statewide retirement systems. The task force estimated that the consolidated funds could generate an additional $820 million to $2.5 billion in investment returns over five years, or $164 million to $500 million per year. | Research indicates that consolidation can be a lose/win proposition. The analysis must consider the pension multiplier as well as the growth in the pensionable salary cap. The amendment doesnt mandate those loans, nor is there evidence it reduces available funding to pay promised benefits. January 21, 2020. House Committee Meeting Hide Overview . The legislation impairs the exclusivity and rights of the local funds to manage their funds locally and impairs and diminishes their ability to vote and to have their vote count, Daniel Konicek, of Konicek & Dillon which is representing the police funds, said in an interview. 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