*Exciting developments in your career make this time period a very positive one. It reminds us that there are always different views in a particular situation. Your mind is neither peaceful nor harmonious under this influence, and irritable tempers, sarcastic speech, and dogmatism are negative expressions of this energy. Improved solutions, insights, and approaches make this an opportunity not to be passed over. You find that your mind can easily tune in to different levels of awareness right now, and the result can be increased insight, psychological understanding and awareness, and focused attention. Your ability to concentrate and focus is enhanced now. *Impatience, sudden outbursts of emotions, and the need to break free from stifling, uncomfortable situations are key issues now. Daydreaming, visualization, and prophecy are stimulated. Its not a good time to present an argument or an important idea. Unexpected changes, upheavals, surprises, reversals, discontentment, and a break from the safe and predictable characterize this time period. Now is also a great time to entertain guests in your home. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and criticism. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. With this reading you receive. Its easy to make social connections under this influence. Uranus is forward-looking and does not have patience with lifestyles or attitudes that are attached to the past or the traditional. Your unusual behavior could provoke others, cause emotional confrontation. What does Mercury rule in your chart? Full of ideas, but without any particular love of details. Try to maintain regular daily routines (regular meals, sleep patterns, etc.). Information overload. News that you hear now is likely to be satisfying on an emotional level. Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it., There are now 1600+ Astrology Membership Articles available for reading. Venus also rules money, and you may encounter sudden changes in your financial condition. You might feel lazy on a mental level, or you prefer communicating on more subtle levels. Planets in Transits: Life Cycles for Living by Robert Hand. Thanks again so much. Mercury opposition Jupiter Efficiency and relevancy become important. Studies and exams should go well, especially in technical areas like the sciences, computers, and mathematics. You energetically accomplish a great deal during this time period. This has an unsettling effect upon not only yourself, but also those around you. You may find yourself buzzing with electricity, tension, and excitement, be less able to sleep or relax, or find your natural rhythms and routines disrupted in some way. You're approachable, and your interest and wonder are likely to appeal to others as well. Your intuitive creativity is stimulated under this influence. An unexpected discovery. You are likely to make more emotional demands on your friends and love partners. For example Mercury square Uranus begins 3/17/22 at ______ p.m. and ends 3/___/_____ at ______ a.m. You could be quick on the trigger when it comes to verbal reactions to others, and you may seriously lack diplomacy at this time. Human touch and human connection is very helpful now too. This can be a period of pleasant surprises. Having an electric influence on the brain of many, this time is ideal for being creative and performing intellectual activities, which is requiring natives to be original. Mercury sextile Uranus: Different than Mrs Average, The outstanding Daily Horoscope by Astrodienst describes your individual topics for each day. Something significant can happen in the year or so of this transit that liberates you from confining situations or attitudes and outlooks. It isnt a good time for marriage because you are touchy and start married life by getting into bed on the wrong foot. The person prefers to focus their thoughts on forward-thinking activities that they think will improve the human condition. +A time during which you discover new and different reasons or ways to enjoy and appreciate life. April 25th, 2021 - Mercury Conjunct Venus Think about the consequences ahead of time and make use of the logic and mental brilliance that these transits provide. There can be new information or resources that enrich your understanding of life at this time. It is a good day to find new solutions to old problems. A classic transit bible. You also have an interest and talent for technology, especially anything that feels like the future. The future is fascinating because it allows you to entertain possibilities that are steeped in the present, but not yet manifest or adopted widely. Also recognize that as you listen to a bruised or misbehaving ego, you are prone to ignoring your deepest emotions, and as a result, you may sever ties that later leave you wanting. Pay attention to what you are doing so you dont have an accident. Resistance will only attract circumstances that leave you feeling out of control. New ideas about your past history, new approaches to established facts. Interpretation from our Life Trends report. A new approach to love and compassion. Technical facts can be glossed over at this time. You have to be able to exercise total freedom in your emotional self-expression. Your emotions are highly stimulated by this transit, and you will allow yourself to look at the world very subjectively. Harmony: The Bright, Fast Thinker. Has the right idea at the right moment. Your exciting way of telling stories and sharing news makes you fun to be around. You are inclined to be snappy and irritable, and you might too easily interrupt others rather than listen. You should be able to develop lucid dreaming and will have a talent for occult subjects like astrology. Rather than blaming or resenting circumstances which may be forcing a change upon you, choose to acknowledge that you are now free to express and be other than you were. You can see your complexes and your subconscious in the cold light of day if you are sufficiently in possession of yourself to look for them. Its a strong period for objective observation and discussion. Mercury square Ascendant +Sudden insight into your home, family, and sense of security. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. Learning to trust and to let go. Your consciousness expands to the point where you are receptive to new ways of thinking and patterns of living. Mercury trine Midheaven New and exciting opportunities may come about today through travel, conversations with others, or new reading material. Now is the time to revel in your innermost feelings. This transit can manifest as a compulsive need to talk, question, or even badger. Uranus transits square Mars Passions and anger that you may not even know you had emerge during this transit. In other words, communication and education are two areas where your abilities are expected. Your reasoning skills are especially strong now. Chance encounters are possible with eccentric or, in other ways stimulating people. You may feel emotions of a religious nature. Mercury trine Mars Be extra cautious while driving or traveling, as accidents are possible through carelessness and impatience. The difference depends on whether or not you resist the need to make changes in your life. Mercury sextile Uranus is amodern thinker, naturally leaning towards progress, science, and development and with an interest in scientific, electronic, technical, mathematical or musical subjects. Staying busy and on the move provide excitement, and contacts with people bring different, yet complementary perspectives to your own. If you have been trying to free yourself of some old, limiting, debilitating habit or to garner the courage to create, experiment, or plunge into new territory, now is the time. Uranus sextile Mercury might make it seem like everything teems with brilliance and fascination, like a kid fielding gifts during their favorite holiday season. What you previously valued may no longer do it for you. Eccentricities and a different manner of presenting yourself may be in order. All learning, teaching, or intellectual activities are favored. In fact, it's hard to have a proper appreciation for your own uniqueness unless you consistently set time with yourself and away from everything else that stimulates you. Things go faster than usual when transiting Mercury is in conjunction to your natal Uranus. In theory, Uranus Mercury transit would activate the houses ruled by Mercury, suggesting a great deal of mental activity in the areas those houses represent. Or you may feel your life is fine and circumstances in the world around you becomes unstable, insecure, unpredictable, or topsy-turvy. You might suddenly perceive certain elements of your life as oppressive and limiting, and the urge to break free becomes all-consuming. This transit represents an opportunity to introduce an element of contrast or volatility that heightens your perceptions and brings fresh energy, insights, or new ideas into something which has grown stale. Your wish to be independent, to try new things, and so on comes at an inappropriate time and could cause real tensions at work. +A time for discovering others or for finding yourself able to respond to friends or lovers and enter into relationships with a renewed sense of love and compassion. Avoid making hasty decisions that you will later regret. Check out the Free online Tarot readings using this deck on the AstroMatrix app. Your email address will not be published. If there is room in your existing relationships for this type of change, it can be a time of exhilaration and growth for both partners. The following are interpretations of Uranuss transits to planets and points. By Corinne Lane Leave a comment on Mercury Transits to Natal Uranus. Also, this apparently sudden personality change can alienate a few people, especially if you act like there are no consequences. Look to the houses of your natal chart with Aries (and Scorpio) on the cusp for areas of your life where Uranus is acting to awaken. This transit may bring several opportunities, open new paths, and lead us in new directions. Try to take advantage of your increased clarity and realism by applying your logical mind to solve some problems that might have been nagging at you. *Love relationships at this time go through a lot of changes. Travel for business purposes is possible. You see potential where you never saw it before. Do some sort of grounding, earthy activity on a regular basis during this time, such as gardening, walking in nature, working with clay, etc. *Communication, particularly with superiors or authority figures, could prove troublesome. Uranus transits sextile Moon This transit occurs only twice in each 84-year cycle of Uranus. Perhaps the best way to handle this transit is to desensitize yourself by building your confidence in your ability to meet and face changes. Avoid signing on the dotted line at this time. *A feeling of impatience and a willingness to make bold, risky changes can cause you to suddenly alter the entire course of your life now. It is all too easy to miss or neglect important details under the influence of this transit. +A powerful time of change, during which you may have great insight into your career. Others appreciate what you have to say and your ideas and opinions are received exactly as you intended them. You could find it hard to follow facts, directions, and instructions. The new people you attract now will be very different from your norm, as friends go. Favored now are interactions with groups and organizations. The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today: Mercury sextile Uranus, , exact at 02:42. activity period from 10 February 2023 until 11 February 2023. This transit is a real mind-opener. The Internet will provide a great way to learn, share ideas and meet new people. *Good practical job-related thoughts and ideas. Mercurys transits to your natal Uranus are marked by surprise and open-mindedness. This is a good time for planning for the future, for this transit presents opportunities for advancing your worldly affairs through new enterprises, good communicative self-expression, study, or travel. Your conversations are animated and expressive now, and spontaneous impulses tend to work for rather than against you. Alternatively, the information you receive now could be impractical or lead you astray. Look for Leo in your natal chart, as the Sun rules Leo, and this is an area of life that will be directly affected by the transit (in addition to the house where the transit actually takes place). Ask me me@astrolada.com. +A time during which you may be able to break through and move ahead with your ambitions and general lifes purpose. Consider your thoughts carefully before defending them vehemently. This is a time when authority figures and older people, especially men, may figure in your life. This transit favors diplomacy, charm, social graces, negotiations, presentation of ideas, romantic overtures, teaching, business deals, publishing, commerce, public relations, and joint ventures or partnerships. Mercury opposition Ascendant Especially if you are female, you may begin a relationship with a male, and this association leads you into undiscovered territory or some kind of break from your past. This is a poor time for major decision making and for signing on the dotted line. Breaking some of your habits can help you learn new things or find new inspiration. So, you should later review and go over everything youre doing. You might be given (or give) the third degree. However, you are likely to have an eclectic mix of friends and have a special connection with children and your siblings. Think less of forcing your will on others, more of understanding their wishes. You can be irritable and say all the wrong things. Arming yourself with the awareness that you may be over-confident and hasty in your decisions is essential for the best handling of this transit. Mercury conjunct Venus Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Uranus transits conjunct Sun This is a time of finding yourself, when you begin to feel uncomfortable with your current life path and behavior patterns. Uranus Transits Square Jupiter You can also be quite sensitive to changes to methods, routines, and traditions in your life at this time. New, innovative, unconventional ideas come into your mind endlessly. Mercury trine Uranus Communication challenges today make it hard to get a point across. Its a favorable time for new discoveries and encounters with different people. Pleasing conversations with females, relatives, neighbors, or people from your past figure now. You may feel nervous and irritable, neither of which are conducive to driving or traveling. *Periodic fits of restlessness and impatience overcome you throughout this period, and others will wonder what is disturbing you. Uranus Sextile Mercury Uranus is in a sextile to Pluto. It is difficult to get a point across without rubbing people the wrong way or misrepresenting yourself unwittingly. You find yourself more socially composed than usual now. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. Thinking about your past, feelings, and personal connections characterizes this influence. This rhythm of consciously alternating between sharp contrasts might even be used on a smaller scale to keep from burning out on any intense activity. Youre inclined to base your ideas on half-thoughts or not finish what you start. And, like training wheels on a kids bike, you are now ready to dump it. Something unexpected may happen, but it can be very stimulating. Its also likely that plans are upset, keys misplaced, traffic prevents you from being timely, and so forth. Seek out the unusual or challenge yourself to accept and integrate something you usually avoid. Anyone who tries to limit you in this area will meet with great resistance. Other truth revealing interests would be: psychology, astrology, astronomy and the mass media from a humanistic standpoint. This is an excellent resource for outer planet transits: Jupiter through Pluto. Mercury square Saturn You may find yourself changing your appearance, moving toward the more unconventional and less traditional. Its more likely than usual for you to make mental errors, and nervous tension is quite possible now. Youll realize what you need to feel free. Pay close attention to what your body is telling you, and attend to it with comforting and steadying measures baths aromatherapy (lavender or chamomile, for instance), acupuncture or energy healing, walking in nature, gardening, connecting with the earth, feeding yourself regular meals that include plenty of grounding whole grains, root vegetables, easy-to-digest foods. News or information you receive now could be frustrating, or conversations with others make you tense. And there won't be any shortage of people or subjects to bounce around. Favored now are interactions with groups and organizations. The desire to express yourself more freely is strong. Consider all alternative, unusual, or nontraditional possibilities that are presented to you now. Real breakthroughs, willingness to try new and different approaches to relationships. If something doesnt work in your favor, for example, learning that it wasnt a big deal feels wonderful! Some people open up their marriage to include other companions or sexual partners. During this time period, you periodically become overwhelmed with the feeling that you need to make changes and make them NOW. You need to be aware of the strong possibility that you are rebelling and reacting rather than listening to your heart. Mood swings, erratic emotions, insecurity, disequilibrium. A time when you may get insights into your living situation or support system. Uranus Transits Trine Ascendant Experiment with something new or different, however small. This transit often brings some level of mental stress and pressure. You probably want to discuss, think, write, and learn more, maybe even all at once. Others tend to cooperate with you, and perhaps seek out your advice. Integrating the volatile contents that emerge now may take time, and should not be rushed but allowed to proceed at their own natural pace. It analyzes and organises and defines the way we interact with others. Find allies who support your quest for greater honesty and self-expression. Mercury sextile Saturn The transit of Uranus stimulates your intellect, making your relationships and everyday routines more exciting. Mercury sextile Uranus Avoid jumping to conclusions. Mentallythere is a cool detachment of the mind, the native is interested in whatever is unique and has an ability to spot previously overlooked truths. Note that alternate meanings are indicated by a * and +, and are offered here for the student of astrology wishing to expand his or her knowledge with different perspectives of each transit. Mental alertness, enthusiasm, and energetic communications figure now. Although you are quick-witted now, you could also be ready to argue! Thoughts race around your head like electricity. Recognize that your urge to rebel comes from a desire for more freedom and self-expression, and find ways to express yourself and your freedom that dont completely upset the things you have worked hard on building to date. Get report personalized to your birth now. Also, avoid making promises you may not be able to fulfill, and be sure to read the fine print! This is a time when you are bound to discover information that you need at just the right time. Its easy to communicate effectively at this time, as you are speaking to an audience and careful about the words you select to express yourself. Something significant can happen in the year or so of this transit that liberates you from confining situations or attitudes and outlooks. If you have this aspect in your birth chart, you have a high ability to interact with modern technology or possess unusual ways of seeing or perceiving and yet you still do not lose touch with the normal day-to-day life that most people experience. Avoid rash speech and things said out of anger in the heat of the moment. There may be difficulties associated with getting your message across, whether its through speech or the written word. Mars rules our anger, assertion, sexualityessentially our desire nature. This is an excellent time to reconsider some of your self-imposed shoulds, cants and must nots, and if you choose to do so the response will be very rewarding, both in terms of satisfaction and in how the world will support you. It also adds an extra buzz and excitement to the mental being. Your opinions are generally progressive, and you may prefer the company of other free thinkers. In this case, your tendency to rebel acts at cross-purposes to those who care for you. Thanks. March 11, 2023 It is difficult to say how things will end up when this astrological influence is over, but they are guaranteed to be different. +An urge on your part to rebel or break away could affect your career direction or vocation. It is an excellent time for people who dont normally assert themselves, although it can seem alarming at first. Work done now is likely to pay off in the future. Rhythms and internal balance can be disrupted (including heart rhythms), especially if you are trying to either resist the impulses toward change or trying to absorb too much change all at once. Transiting Uranus conjunct natal Mercury. +A time for discovering others or for finding yourself able to respond to friends and lovers and enter into relationships with a renewed sense of love and compassion. Intuition runs high now. Second-guessing figures now. Because the need for freedom and excitement is very strong, you are more willing to be innovative and daring. You may feel freer to explore different perspectives and viewpoints. Since no one likes change but a wet baby, this can be a very trying but ultimately freeing time period for you. Negotiations are in order, and you might feel a strong need for feedback from a significant other or special friend. Transiting Uranus acts to disrupt, change, and re-do whatever it touches. Your mind is active, thanks to Uranus sextile Mercury, but it's easy-going enough to savor people who operate with different interests at varying speeds. This is generally a brief transit which comes around twice a year, however, every six to seven or even thirteen years apart, Mercury will make an extended series of three sextiles with the middle one during its retrograde. Mercury trine Moon Today, dont jump to conclusions or make hasty decisions; you might change your mind several times. Youre also apt to find yourself much more discontented and impatient than normal, without quite knowing what would feel better or what you really want instead. Order now and get 20% off with the coupon code ARIES. You love physical activity and adventure now. Mercury trine Saturn You're more likely to tell a joke or play a prank than revolutionize an industry or write the world's next great novel. Unexpected gains may be realized through such mediums. It would be wise to leave major decision making to a better period. *Upsets and change in your love relationships is the key issue now. *Spontaneous, carefree, enjoyable times shared with close friends and family make this time period a very positive one. However, you can have very stimulating interactions with others. It signifies our curiosity and what areas of life we find mentally appealing and stimulating. Increased confidence in what you have to say means your audience receives your message. Its easy to make social connections under this influence. If not, you may feel the need to end some of your present relationships and seek this new freedom elsewhere. Mercury square Jupiter Insight into your own mental workings, original thoughts, and the like. June 29, 2024 Mercury sextile Venus It's easy to make social connections under this influence. This is a positive time when you feel excited by the developments in your career. Creating the time and space for something fresh is a welcome change today. You could receive unexpected backing and, in general, your efforts are successful and reach new heights of originality. In a simple sense, the meaning of Mercury sextile to Uranus on a birth or transit chart is that Mercury's fast-moving radiance of cleverness, communication and language gives a boost to Uranus' enigmatic radiance of the unpredictable, change and rebellion on some level. When transiting Mercury is trine, or sextile, to your natal Uranus, your thinking is ingenious, original, clever, sharp, and magnetic. You begin to assert your independence, sometimes in ways that seem alarming to those around us. Conversations can be frustrating now, and you could be hypersensitive to the opinions or statements of others. Mercury conjunct Uranus transit will open our minds to different perceptions. They bring excitement, stimulation, and liveliness. Be kind to the part of you that fears change, as well as to the part of you that wants the renewal and revivification this change will bring. Your individuality becomes the focus. Avoid impulsivity and stubbornness. The effects are not dramatic and unusual, but there definitely is a quickened pace at this time. It would be very helpful if you put the end time/date of the aspect as well. An urge may exist to be more devoted to high ideals and to making your dreams real. Also, you have a good mind and are very intelligent. May think a number of thoughts at the same time. Travel plans may change unexpectedly. The day of this transit is ideal for organizing or paying attention to serious matters, and buckling down in general, although its not especially fun or frivolous. And Mercury is not the only planet that is paying a visit to Uranus. 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