Cronkite, the main influence at CBS News, chose to err on the side of valid news rather than being first to break a story. The legendary anchorman Walter Leland Cronkite Jr. was the voice of truth for millions of Americans. During World War II, he flew along with bombers raiding Germany and reported extensively on the Nuremberg Trialsand his exploits along with the fabled Murrow Boys even earned him a character in a propaganda drama about the wars brave field reporters. Walter Cronkite was a journalist who defined the role of network anchorman during the decades when television news rose from being the neglected stepchild of radio to a dominant form of journalism. Cronkite was born on November 4, 1916, in Saint Joseph, Missouri. Cronkite has changed how people deliver news forever now. His global experiences, his positive public presence, his attitude towards reporting the news truthfully and objectively, and his grandfatherly demeanor, all make him the prime dream team candidate. Big blonde hair. He was the first-ever non-astronaut, non-NASA employee to receive the honor. (Assuming, of course, that the public did regard Cronkite as the nations most trustworthy man.). This means not just that he didnt tell lies, but that he was a truth-seekerhe sought to tell the whole truth. He truly laid out the foundation of what great newscasters should be like. Thats where the family lived until moving to Houston, Texas when Walter was 10-years-old. He's being remembered as the "father of television news," as . Some claim to be "fair and balanced" and are clearly neither. He kept his opinions, like his emotions, largely to himself. As the world saw a boot finally touch lunar dust, words briefly failed Walter Cronkite. Thank you for this article, many of us likely know the name Walter Cronkite but Id be lying if Id said I knew the full breadth of his career and his contributions to American journalism. Overall, this was was a wonderful article! The times that Cronkite directly engaged controversy can be counted on one handhis 1968 special, in which he called the Vietnam War a stalemate and called for negotiations, and a pair of 1972 broadcasts about the Watergate scandal, both of which are cited in his New York Times obituary. Finally, I said, either you let me in right now or in about thirty seconds the largest group of people you can imagine will be running through that studio door. Your Privacy Rights There arent now, and in fact, there have never been many journalists that had Cronkites level of belief in the American people, in their ability to use their brains and hearts to discern what was really going on in a given situation. He never allowed his broader passion to diminish and die. But we connected with him because of his obvious compassion, modesty, and joyous enthusiasm. If so, you owe something to Walter CronkiteAmerica's uncle and the most influential broadcast journalist of all time. He . Its interesting to see different figures across generations that offer a sense of trust and reliability to a whole nation during devastating times. Known as the "most trusted man in America," Cronkite made his mark on . Yet, much as I wished it might one day be my foot that stepped out beyond this Earth, being an astronaut didn't seem as much fun as doing what Walter Cronkite was doing. Forty years ago, a man walked on the Moon. I feared I would never meet the man who inspired so many of us. Trust Inc. Strategies for Building Your Company's Most Valuable Asset. Walter Cronkite Was The "Most Trusted Man In America", But I Could Never Watch His Program Once I Moved To Johannesburg. In 1968, there were plenty of people who were protesting the war in Vietnam. As a newsman, his passion was limited to his role of reporter. Its telling that Walter Cronkite, The most trusted man in America, held objectivity as the most vital quality for journalists. He wasnt the most educated or the best-looking newsman, but he was perhaps the most diligent. Charlemagne would be short-lived (Baird would go on to produce The Sound of Musics Lonely Goatherd sceneand other legendary puppet shows), but Cronkite was notand eventually he branched out into editorial work like his lion friend. His commentary even impacted then U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson when he told his staff, If Ive lost Cronkite, Ive lost Middle America.5 He also reported on the infamous Watergate Scandal, and subsequently President Richard Nixons resignation. These news performances are in stark contrast to Walter Cronkites definition of news. I cant add much to the list of eloquent obituaries for Walter Cronkite, other than to say I agree with them. Walter Leland Cronkite Jr. was born Nov. 4, 1916, in . Raised in Houston, Texas, he decided to become a journalist after reading a magazine article about a foreign correspondent. While in college, he worked as a part-time journalist for the Houston newspaper. The terrible truth is that Walter Cronkite symbolized liberal media bias and used that bias with disastrous consequences for our nation and the world. (E-mail may be quoted by name in The Fray, Slates readers forum; in a future article; or elsewhere unless the writer stipulates otherwise. The idea was that this was a very serious job, performed by various serious men.. Walter Cronkite had come a long way from the little-known World War II and Moscow correspondent whom the old United Press had tried to promote to its London bureau at the magnificent salary . After all, true journalists worked in print and radio. This is the process of discovering, embracing and delivering their greatest value which allows them to realize greater profit. 399 Boylston Street, Boston MA 02116 +1-617-564-3443. Fuel your passion After he retired, Cronkite began to openly pursue causes he believed in. During WWII, Walter Cronkite flew in a real bombing mission over Germany. Oprah Winfrey: Overcoming Adversity to Become a Master Communicator, How Zappos Used Customer Engagement to Build a $2B Brand. Walter Cronkite was the embodiment of true journalism factual, genuine, fair and accurate reporting. Cronkite stayed in the Kansas City area until he was 10. . Days later he made the very poignant announcement that Kennedy had died. Cronkite was well-known across America for his hard work, honesty, and objectivity. It was very enjoyable reading about him. Riding the Shark Conquering Fear in Selling. Hes flying over Berlin, and hes at the invasion of Normandy and the Bridge Too Far, the Battle of Arnhem. For me, its a moment for which I long have planned, but which, nevertheless, comes with some sadness. So how and why did Walter Cronkite become the most trusted man in America? Cronkites interest, which developed into passion and then a career that led him down a historic path will likely not be forgotten for some time, just the same as the journalistic work he did allowed American citizens to be informed and remember important developments in the country and in the world. In 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, a former defense consultant, leaked the Pentagon Papers, a set of documents that provided evidence of systematic government wrongdoing and deception throughout the war. Cronkite's heartbreaking report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy became one of the most famous news reports in television history. If You Think Im a Joke the Jokes On You! And every article, blog or TV clip mentions how Walter Cronkite was so trusted. Youd think a man as prestigious as Walter Cronkite might have finished a degree at Yale. In his day, truth mattered above all else. Two months later, it was Walter who broke the news to the American public that Kennedy had been shot. Cronkite popularized television news. Is there some secret hidden in Cronkites missing FBI papers? But when he joined the United Press and left the country to cover World War II, he made his mark as a journalist capable of reporting stories in difficult conditions. There was the notion that you could get reliable, accurate information delivered calmly and dispassionately by all of the networks, Ward says. LBJ, a great judge of politics, said, "If Ive lost Cronkite, Ive lost middle America." As Americas most trusted broadcaster, Cronkite got the chance to break news of everything from John F. Kennedys assassination to the first moonwalk. Trust is an essential quality to have in any communicating experience, particularly newscasting. Her work has appeared in publications like The Washington Post, TIME, mental_floss, Popular Science and JSTOR Daily. A new biography of Walter Cronkite reveals the less trustworthy side of the most trusted man in America. But when we're doing news, it is our duty to be sure that we do not permit our prejudices to show. Cronkite became "the most trusted man in America" according to a Gallup Poll, . It was 1977. What a great read, I wish there were more Walter Cronkites in todays society. Buy it here. Fearless Brands are committed to integrity and trustworthiness. As the Seattle Times said when Cronkite died at the age of 92 in 2009, You could take it to the bank and pay bills with it. He began his career with a commitment to journalism as well. The award, which is named for the late CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite, honors leading figures in journalism. | Charles L. Ponce de Leon February 1, 2013. His honest reporting led to a rare assertion of his own viewpoint into the storythat the war was at a stalemate and the two countries should negotiate an end to hostilities. Not a hint of self-promotion, no self-serving cause, no work in service to his own ego or career. But it was Walter Cronkite and the team of journalists he inspired that brought the rest of us to the Moon. Theres the famous moment where he starts to lose his composure, and he takes his glasses off, as he shares the news with the nation., One of the main elements of Cronkites appeal, though, was the fact that he presented the days news with an objectivity and reserve that Americans expected in anchormen at the time. Terms of Use He says CBS then used the survey results to promote the network. Essays by over 30 trust experts. To do anything else would be phony. The Most Trusted Man in America didnt get there by calling himself the Most Trusted Man in America. Uncle Walters word was gold.. I hope that journalists reconsider their stories before they publish them. A 1973 poll showed Walter Cronkite to be "the most trusted man in America." . No streaming internet video, no podcasts, not even a remote control. He became the host of the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite. Walter Cronkites iconic sign-off and thats the way it is was taken at face value by the nation. Read More. Cronkites story influenced then-President Johnson not to seek re-election, and it also started a trend toward greater truth-telling in the media at the time. As a newsman, his passion was limited to his role of reporter. Because of his willingness to learn everything about spaceflight and his ability to convey his knowledge to viewers, he seemed to be almost as much a part of the American space program as the astronauts themselves. Cronkite's Big Three Trust Factors #1 - Honesty. This story is about the most trusted man in America. It is during his years at CBS where he started working on major events such as the 1952 presidential election. "When the Eagle landed on the moon, I was speechless - overwhelmed, like most of the world. In 1950, Cronkite joined CBS News and hosted several CBS shows, such as You are There, The Morning Show, and The Twentieth Century. Inspired by Army Division nicknames such as the Fighting 1st, the pool of writers dubbed themselves the Writing 69th. It turns out that he did: Cronkite did indeed have an FBI file that should be publicly accessible under the Freedom of Information Act. Surface. Other reasons we shouldnt have trusted Cronkite. Advertisement Speaking of papers, youd think that given Cronkites status as one of the worlds most respected and well-traveled public figures, hed draw special attention from the FBI. In 1927, his family relocated to Houston, Texas where he grew in admiration of journalism after reading an article in American Boy magazine.1 After this, his interest encouraged him to avidly work at his middle school and high school newspapers. Walter Cronkite was born on November 4, 1916, in St. Joseph, Missouri. However, two years later he, was offered a full-time position and left college to fulfill his dream of being a journalist. Its not just the naive and undereducated who end up trusting people and institutions that they shouldnt. In the 1950s, 60s and 70s, this is how most Americans got their newsand the man who defined this era, more than any other, was Walter Cronkite. "(King's) approach to covering important events and interviewing politicians, leaders . Your Privacy Rights Erin Blakemore He had a natural talent for communicating the truth that was nurtured by a very caring, middle class upbringing in the Mid-West. Walter Leland Cronkite . Walter Cronkite defined the role of a newsman on television. But the lack of real-world experience has put perspective in short supply, and the public's interest in reading things that simply confirm their own views has put news outlets in a tough spot. The Web, which can make the cable news channels look positively Cronkitian, has only reshattered the shards. Walter Cronkite seems to be as notable as todays ABC news anchor David Muir. However, once those limitations were removed, Cronkite allowed his passion to ignite. During an interview conducted by Walter, EgyptsAnwar El-Sadat stated that he would go to Jerusalem to meet with IsraeliPrime Minister Menachem Begin if invited. We trusted him and that . He was one of several reporters assigned to the European theater to cover World War II (WWII). Yet the "most trusted man in America" seemed rather pleased he wasn't recognized at his own front door. Your ambitious agenda is filling a desperate need.". A rocket, more than 350-feet tall, lifted the astronauts into space. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. The Most Trusted Man in America. Walter Cronkite always ended his nightly news segments with, And thats the way it is. Click here to try out our award-winning content platform for free. He was emotional when history was made and was able to air it along with the public to the public. "I'm very sorry, Mr. Cronkite, " I said as I turned to the clueless guard. Walter was very lucky, because soon after moving, he read an article inBoys Lifemagazine which chronicled the adventures and assignments of reporters working around the world. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine "Walter Cronkite came into the living room reporting the news, and people trusted that he was giving them the truth," she said. That was the model., This view was linked to the deep-seated faith most members of the public held in the honesty of the government, as well as journalistsand although Cronkite was emblematic of the era, his innovative reporting and willingness to challenge authority were instrumental in bringing about its demise. He had no truck with deconstructionists who believe its all subjective, he was a midwest pragmatist of the William James school. Then he exclaimed, "Armstrong is on the moon -- Neil Armstrong, 38-year-old American, standing on the surface of the moon." Huntsburg said he grew up watching Cronkite, who, he said, "touched me." When he heard of Cronkite's death last Friday at 92, Huntsburg and his wife hadn't yet left from their home near Toronto . News no longer waits for a single trusted voice and "the way it is" depends on who you choose to believe. Chung's last broadcast as co-anchor was on May 18, 1995. "Whew, boy, " he said, as Armstrong descended the ladder. #3 Integrity. Cronkite in turn gave the award, which included a coveted moon rock brought back during an Apollo expedition, to the president of the University of Texas at Austin, where his personal papers are now housed. Covering yet another war, this time Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, Mr. Cronkite kindly agreed to help our coverage with an interview. Learn everything you can about a topic to ensure that you are known as a valid and trusted resource. Like Cronkite, integrity and honesty are at the core of Media Showers approach to communication. Full red lips. He never allowed his broader passion to diminish and die. Cookie Policy As I discussed in an earlier post Want to know that youre right? Public mistrust of the government reached a new level, and Cronkites interview of Ellsbergcaptured ina photographnow among the National Portrait Gallerys collectionsbecame one of the many iconic moments of his career. Cronkite himself, would die in 2009 at the age of 92. One way around the Fairness Doctrine was to tamp down controversy, which all three networks often did. I remember siting with my mom watching the news with her. I finally stopped trying. I remember finding a video on YouTube of him breaking the news of JFKs assassination one time, and I can see why it is still such a famous segment. He helped shape the way much of the nation viewed the world but he spoke to all of America in a time when Americans were united by. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); For a free copy of the eBook "Selling to the C-Suite," email me, Charlie, personally and I'll send it along to you. Betsy, his wife of forty-five years, died of cancer in 2005. Host Steven Scheuer interviews television anchor and broadcast journalist Walter Cronkite, "the most trusted man in America," about his time as a journalist . Cronkites enthusiasm for the U.S. space program carried throughout his journalistic career and helped Americans follow and support the program. He was a true ambassador for the program with a giant reach that no one in NASA could have had alone. "There never was and there never will be another Walter Cronkite. Its so strange to think of that world, says Ward. And he was way too into the space program for a grown man. His only agenda was his professionalism, about which he was quite clear. He died on July 17, 2009, at age 92. His unassuming manner and sincerity were two reasons why people liked and trusted him so much. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Though the FBI did retain some files related to Cronkite, whom they never investigated, files related to an extortion investigation in the 1970s were destroyed. Permanent disclosure: Slate is owned by the Washington Post Co.). Why Was Walter Cronkite So Well Respected? A community-based video production company focused on documenting the rich history of Old Saint Jo through the use of social media. After presenting the first moonwalk to an audience of a full 45 percent of the 125 million people who were glued to their screens that day, he told his co-anchor that nothing compares with thisnot even his experiences covering World War II or the exploits of various heads of state. Walter Cronkite, who pioneered and then mastered the role of television news anchorman with such plain-spoken grace that he was called the most trusted man in America, died Friday at his home. Cronkite, who through his news presenting had become known as "the most trusted man in America," was on air for 27 of the 30 hours it took for the crew of Apollo 11 to complete their mission,. For somebody of my generation, he was the pillar of American broadcast journalism, says David Ward, a historian at the National Portrait Gallery. His latest cause was world government and. For years I tried to improve on it, and never could. Some of the more notable , Walter Jr. the only child of Walter, a dentist, and Helen, a homemaker was born on November 4, 1916, in Saint Joseph, Missouri. I think he was so trusted because he exhibited a sense of purpose and compassion, night after night. At that time, the evening news was a mere 15 minutes in length barely enough to deliver the days headlines. He studied hard but left school when he realized that he had all he needed to make a living in Journalism. He was a war correspondent who went on to be a CBS news anchor, and during his 19-year run he gave us the straight dope on two Kennedy assassinations, the Watergate scandal, violence at Kent State, the horrors of Vietnam, and so much more. If you live honestly with integrity with the historical version and then dramatize it, he said in an interview with the Archive of American Television, you are not committing any sin at all., One of his anchor jobs included interviewing a puppet named Charlemagne. I didnt know that he grew up in Houston, thats pretty cool! Available now! According to polls, he was the most trusted man in Americamore than the first lady, the Pope or the president." Cronkite, born November 4, 1916,. "President Lyndon Johnson certainly felt it. In a world saturated with reality TV and tell-all blogs, you have to look harder to see itthat sense of self-reserve, tough but with a soft centerthat used to be middle Americas ideal self-image. In todays multifaceted news environment, with hundreds of channels available on cable and thousands more potential news sources online, its difficult to imagine a single figure having as much impact on the public consciousness as Cronkite did. Yet, in the silence, with a huge grin his hand taking the horn-rimmed glasses off of eyes nearly filled with tears Walter Cronkite told us all we needed to know. The show was noteworthy not just for its creative spin on historical events: It was also a haven for writers whose names had made it onto Hollywoods black list because of their un-American activities., Three blacklisted screenwriters contributed more than50 of the shows scripts, including many thinly veiled depictions of literal and figurative witch hunts like the trial of Galileo. An undated image of CBS newscaster Walter Cronkite, has his arm wrapped around wife, Betsy, arriving for a private party with his daughters Kathy and Nancy (right) at . That move was right for Cronkite he was true to himself. It isn't enough to say that he was the "most trusted man in America," as. Cronkite stood out from his peers because of his commitment to truth and objectivity in journalism. He sailed. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. | I liked reporting as well. His funeral was held Thursday in New York. It is nice to know that at one point we had a news reporter who cared about honest straightforward reporting and avoided involving his own political views about events that were occurring in America and outside the country. He inspired John Waters to grow a moustache (I think!). 6.26.2012 11:34 AM. Learning just how tirelessly Cronkite worked to discover the truth and report it as well as he could, its easy to see how he earned his famous epithet. It was his integrity and commitment to fair reporting which established him as the most trusted man in America. He was one of several reporters assigned to the European theater to cover World War II (WWII). Walter Jr. the only child of Walter, a dentist, and Helen, a homemaker was born on November 4, 1916, in Saint Joseph, Missouri. Long acrylic nails. Embrace Cronkites approach be true to yourself and your profession, be fair, commit to a life of integrity be a fearless brand. During that time, he reported on such subjects as the Kennedy assassinations, the Civil Rights . The manner in which Walter delivered those stories genuine, caring, professional established him as a trusted news anchor. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. After the war, Walter would cover the Nuremberg war trials. I ran down to the lobby of the CBS News Broadcast Center to escort Mr. Cronkite to a studio. Privacy Statement In 1969, Cronkite covered the first moon landing and moonwalk and the following space program with so much enthusiasm that NASA gave him an Ambassador of Exploration award in 2008. The legendary CBS anchorman was the most trusted man in America. He began his career with a commitment to journalism as well. McLaughlin, who . Reading about Walter Cronkite was very interesting since he was an fascinating man who took his passion to the next level, I really enjoyed reading this article. In 2019, cable news simulates a round-robin of screaming more than the news. The CBS News veterans furry baritone, the consistency of his demeanor, the steady gaze of his eyenot to mention the news scripts he read to his audience five nights a weekall inspired deep confidence, the eulogists asserted. Walter Cronkite and the legend of CBS News. The most frequent comment, expressed in several ways, was that Cronkite was honest. In 1950, Cronkite finally joined CBS after numerous offers. "I was remembering another time. In 1968, he goes to Vietnam and does a documentary, Ward says. This is a mostly justifiable assessment. Newsman Walter Cronkite, who died at the age of 92, was so thoroughly and uniquely linked with the word "trust" that it is tempting to say that the word should be buried with him. If Cronkite were alive today, he would tearfully lament the political tribalism that permeates through news organizations. He was 92. - Walter Cronkite. While working for CBS in a variety of roles, hosting everything from morning shows to political conventions, he sat down in the CBS Evening News anchor chair and proceeded to hold it for nearly 20 years. "There was a reason why Walter was called the most . Advertising Notice Douglas Brinkley says he got the idea to write a biography of Walter Cronkite from David Halberstam. One of the key reasons was his integrity. I'm glad I was soon proved wrong. Research in communication and psychology clearly shows that to be trusted a communicator has to be seen as knowledgeable and credible. Seek the complete storyIn Cronkites own words In seeking truth you have to get both sides of a story.That approach is a rare quality in todays journalism circles in our society for that matter. Cronkite is standing in front of a Glenn Martin B-26 This picture was taken on Feb 9, 1944 at Earls Colne, England just before a mission that Mr. Cronkite flew with the 323rd BG 454th Squ, Cronkite Reporting On Vietnam On Location (, Cronkite As Serious as he Took His Job (, A Tribute to One of The Greatest Newsmen Ever ( Cancer in 2005 FBI papers began his career with a commitment to reporting... An essential quality to have in any communicating experience, particularly newscasting you can about a foreign correspondent correspondent. 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Jill Jenkins Bowles, Articles W