Developed larynx cancer and have been treated with radiation and chemo. On 29 September 1972, the 354th Tactical Fighter Wing, based at Myrtle Beach AFB South Carolina, deployed 72 A-7D Corsair II of the 353rd,[23] 354th,[24] 355th[25] and the 356th Tactical Fighter Squadrons to Korat for a 179-day TDY. The statement is in direct opposition to Defense Department documents that explicitly state herbicides were sprayed in Thailand in the early 1970s to protect bases from counterinsurgency attacks. This website is for sale! Ubon RTAFB, Annotated Google Map Photo of Its aircraft and personnel were absorbed by the 44th TFS. (DS) 1964-65 593rd EN Company, Construction 6/1963-8/1963 597th MAINT Company, Direct Support 1966-69 697th EN In Thailand, the veteran was assigned to Camp Friendship at the Korat Royal Thai Air Base. [16]:209. My 196667 photos on base and off base action. Unclassified 5 years after his death. CAVC agrees with CCK's arguments based on herbicide exposure in Thailand. without the express written consent of the Webmaster or of the individual authors. It also does not include any places where the U.S. Department of Agriculture, academia, chemical companies or others tested or stored the chemicals if service members werent involved, nor areas where trained DoD personnel engaged in vegetation management and control in accordance with the DoD Pest Management Program. [2], The USAF mission at Korat RTAFB began in April 1962, when one officer and 14 airmen were temporarily assigned to the existing base as the joint US Military Advisory Group (JUSMAG). Go to to purchase the entire video, or to see movie trailers of over 700 other military videos.This 70-minute DVD Includes excellent aerial views of the base, and show: base construction, President Johnson's visit in 1967, flight line activities, and Army areas on the base. At 11:00 15 August 1973, the Congressionally-mandated cutoff went into effect, bringing combat activities over the skies of Cambodia to an end. [4]:53 In mid-1965 this unit was redesignated Detachment 4 38th Air Rescue Squadron. Day 1 - Bangkok Airport Pickup + Khaosan Road. According to DoD spokesman Chuck Prichard, the new list replaces the one from 2018 and is the result of DoDs thorough review of the records for use, storage and testing of Agent Orange and other tactical herbicides outside of Vietnam.. More than 1,100 people participate, including approximately 500 US service members and 600 service members from Thailand and Singapore. Air strikes by the USAF peaked just before the deadline, as the Khmer National Armed Forces engaged a force of about 10,000 Khmer Rouge encircling Phnom Penh. The 44th TFS returned to Kadena AB, Okinawa and assignment to the 18th TFW, but on 31 December 1966, it became only a paper organization without aircraft. Retaking The Mayagez The final battle of the Vietnam War, The Vietnam War Years of Korat Royal Thai Air Base website, Korat Air Base Thailand and Camp Friendship 19651970 (Video),, Buildings and structures in Nakhon Ratchasima, Closed facilities of the United States Air Force in Thailand, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the Air Force Historical Research Agency, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, United States Advisory Forces (19641965). to support an infantry battle group, eg, the 25th Infantry Division It is scaled at 1:1,562,500 and provides coverage for all of Thailand. I have Parkinsons etc Why only the air force bases? Once completed, army forces moved into Camp Friendship, turning the facilities north of the Korat RTAFB runway over to the Thai armed forces. The 388th Tactical Fighter Wing used those parts of Camp Friendship for overflow of personnel assigned or deployed to it until the USAF turned Korat Air Base over to the RTAF in early 1976.[30]. [29] It was a large facility (larger than Korat RTAFB) complete with support offices, barracks for about 4,000 personnel, enlisted, NCO, and officer clubs, a motor pool, a large hospital, athletic fields, and other facilities. They remained until 10 October 1972 when they returned to Korea. My understanding is you dont die from Parkinsons, you die form something else. [3][16], Also on 15 May, an F-4C Phantom II squadron, the 34th Tactical Fighter Squadron[17] and an F-105F squadron, the 13th Tactical Fighter Squadron[18] were deployed and permanently attached to the 388th from the 347th TFW, Yokota AB, Japan and Kadena AB, Okinawa. Thai Forces fly F-16A/B Fighting Falcons, F-5E Tigers and ground attack L-39's, and Alpha Jets of 231 Squadron. Preparation area showing a perimeter guard tower at Ubon RTAFB, Annotated Photo of the Defoiliated 313th Transportation Company TC The updated list includes Agents Orange, Pink, Green, Purple, Blue and White and other chemicals, used to create the defoliants, Esper said in a release. Along with the Myrtle Beach personnel, elements of the 355th Tactical Fighter Wing from Davis-Monthan AFB Arizona were deployed to support the A-7D aircraft, being replaced by A-7Ds from the 23d Tactical Fighter Wing from England AFB. providing sovereign territory use by our military personnel in support of the Vietnam War The 501 st Field Depot was assigned to the 9 th Logistical Command under the United States Army Support, Thailand. It's why Camp Friendship was founded and what we are all about. The battle staff was divided into four functional areas: command, operations, intelligence, and communications. - U.S. Army (Retired), Khorat Royal Thai Air Force Base - My first photo Celebrating Christmas with our house girls and their children/families. In Cambodia the USAF carried out a massive bombing campaign to prevent the Khmer Rouge from taking over the country. U.S. Air Force Veterans who served on Royal Thai Air Force Bases (RTAF bases) at U-Tapao, Ubon, Nakhon Panom, Udorn, Takhli, Korat, and Don Muang, near the air base perimeter Army Veterans who provided perimeter security on RTAF bases in Thailand USARSUPTHAI revetments near the perimeter wherd AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles were prepared at Ubon RTAFB, Annotated Photo of the Empty Our message to VA would be that they should grant benefits if a veteran has any evidence demonstrating that the spraying may have occurred, and that would be if there is an old list where DoD confirmed that there was storage or spraying, Gallucci said. U-Tapao Air Base, Thailand, 1972 The National Archives return to top Building Site Southside Camp Friendship by Mark Olson 3 Suwan, Mark Olson & Thai Labor by Mark Olson Suwan & Mark Olson by Mark Olson Thai Labor by Mark Olson Tong & Art Woodward by Mark Olson Mark Olson . However, the Army Veteran must have been a member of a military police (MP) unit or was assigned an MP military occupational specialty whose dutyplaced him/her at or near the base perimeter. With the GAO report, DoD compelled to come up with a more comprehensive list, not go back and revise what they already confirmed.. After the departure of the 388th TFW, the USAF retained a small flight of security police at Korat to provide base security and to deter theft of equipment until the final return of the base to the Thai Government. U-Tapao Air Base, Thailand, 1972The National Archives, Health Care This second edition was published by USARPAC (United States Army Pacific) on November 1, 1969. The 388th TFW entered into intensive training program to maintain combat readiness and continued to fly electronic surveillance and intelligence missions. Once I flew in one to Bkk, less than Hit enter to expand a main menu option (Health, Benefits, etc). VA OIG Cries Foul, Agency Duped by a Gun-Toting, Felon, Sex Offender, Only VA Impressed With VA Restructuring Plan. the Air Force Map Korat RTAFB above, Official Department of the Air Force Map USAF Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. The EF-4C was the initial Wild Weasel version of the Phantom. statement" to the Thai Communists and Pathet [3] The army retained a portion of the aircraft parking ramp for logistical support of Camp Friendship. Day 5 - Elephant Sanctuary Visit and Traditional Thai BBQ in the Evening. The following Veterans may have been exposed to herbicides: U.S. Air Force Veteranswho served on Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) bases at U-Tapao, Ubon, Nakhon Phanom, Udorn, Takhli, Korat, and Don Muang, near the air base perimeter anytime between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975. The 554th RS transferred to Nakhon Phanom RTAFB to operate QU-22 Baby Bats, while the 553rd RS remained at Korat with 11 Batcats until December 1971, when it returned to Otis AFB, Massachusetts. [19] On 11 August 1967 388th TFW F-105s participated in the first attack on the Paul Doumer Bridge in Hanoi which successfully destroyed one span of the bridge. But it deletes or alters at least 50 previously identified locations, removing some dates and omitting testing sites like Hawaii, where the DoD previously said field tests were conducted, Puerto Rico, where herbicides were sprayed in forests between 1956 and 1967, and locations in Korea where components were stored. Military Police Support 1967-70 41st ORD Company, Direct Ammunition Support 3/1966-9/1966 44th Engineer Group, HHC/HHD Do you have THAILAND, CAMP FRIENDSHIP Reunion information you'd like to share Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. Also important are the camouflaged Lockheed EC-121R aircraft on the ramp immediately behind. Cantonment area at Nakhon Phanom RTAFB, Nakhon Phanom - A Security Police Sentry Dog Handlers Perspective, Map of GSP-304 African American-Thai Child, Born: 1969 (2512) GSP-329 Search for Son, Born: 1970 (2513) GSP-476 Search for Daughter African American-Thai, Born: 1965 (2508) *Note: Camp Friendship . My base, Camp Friendship was sprayed with DDT and AO. The U.S. Army had enough quarters and stockpiled equipment to support an infantry battle group, eg, the 25th Infantry Division stationed in Hawaii - if they were ever needed. His name was John Madden. Don Muang RTAFB - Bangkok International Airport (Vietnam era), Official Department of the Air Force Map With the fall of both Cambodia and South Vietnam in April 1975,[27] the political climate between Washington and the government of PM Sanya Dharmasakti had soured. [28] The Thai government wanted the US out of Thailand by the end of the year. The airfield has a single 9,800 + foot runway with a single, full-length parallel taxiway. - Courtesy of 738th Engr Co in Feb'63 By 1967, Korat RTAFB was home to as many as 34 operating units and about 6,500 USAF airmen. Camp Friendship closed as a separate facility in 1971 and much of the facility was turned over to the Royal Thai Army. I have an appeal for denial of service connection for PD and am using the written report Project CHECO as support in my claim. have hearing loss. DOD will continue to be responsive to the needs of our interagency partners in all matters related to taking care of both current and former service members. Later that month, the 16th Special Operations Squadron equipped with AC-130 Spectre gunships was moved to Korat from Ubon RTAFB.[26]. The 354th TFW Forward Echelon at Korat also became a composite wing. 102 Squadron flies 15 F-16A-15ADF and one F-16B-15ADF Fighting Falcon air defense airplanes acquired from the USAF and delivered to the RTAF in 2003 and 2004. 720th MP Battalion Several veterans services organizations told Military Times their analysts are comparing the old list, which dates to September, 2018 and was published by the Government Accountability Office in November, 2018, and the new version. After the US withdrawal in 1976, the RTAF consolidated the equipment left by the departing USAF units in accordance with government-to-government agreements, and assumed use of the base at Korat. I can remember working the midnight at the Com Centre then going back to the barracks to sleep and then waking up to this horrible smell only to find the barracks filled with smoke from them doing there perimeter burn. January 1970. On 30 April 1972 the 7th Airborne Command and Control Squadron (ACCS) was assigned to the 388th TFW from Udon RTAFB and began flying missions in its EC-130E Hercules aircraft, which were equipped with command and control capsules. USASCCCCA Combat reconnaissance missions of the 552d resumed on 25 November 1967. The 7th ACCS played an important role in the conduct of air operations. Journalist. Congressional pressure in Washington grew against these bombings, and on 30 June 1973, the United States Congress passed Public law PL 93-50 and 93-52, which cut off all funds for combat in Cambodia and all of Indochina effective 15 August 1973. visit for more resources. [4]:115. If not get one. Please Phillip, Google the bn, you might get lucky and find that they have a web site and might be able to help you. For over 50 years, Camp Friendship has offered both Traditional and Equestrian Camp experiences for kids aged 7-16. Utility Menu. The wing had responsibility for all air force units in Thailand until permanent wings were established at other bases.[3]. Chuck Ackenbom established Camp Friendship in 1966, and the business is still proudly run by the . [5]:269. I have provided letters to this affect to several former buddies who have been approved for exposure to Agent Orange. Don Muang Royal Thai Air Force, LINEBACKER II map of B-52's from Andersen AFB, Guam and Utapao RTAFB, Thailand. File in PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format, about 2.6 meg in size. In February 1972, the 67th TFS returned on temporary duty to Korat from Kadena AB, this time being equipped with the EF-4C aircraft. The conversion of USAFE units to the F-4D Phantom enabled some of the European-based F-105Ds to be transferred to Southeast Asia, but this was not sufficient to offset the heavy attrition rate. area near the Weapons Storage and Maintenance Area at Ubon RTAFB, Map of the in Thailand. 877-222-8387, TDD (Hearing Impaired) - Courtesy of 738th Engr Co in Feb'63 No one recognizes this place only the air force bases, I wish I was there. The report is 90 page evaluation of the use of herbicides in Thailand. Present and Future Facilities at Nakhon Phanom RTAFB 30 June 1968, Department of the Air Force Master Base Plan Map Nonetheless, all runways on the closed or transferred airfields were still available for military training and emergency use. Sign with the 9th Logistics Command Logo, Camp Friendship was next to the The 501 st Field Depot performed duty with the United States Army Pacific on 8 February 1967. All rights reserved. During the 1980s and early-1990s, the airfield was jointly operated as a civil airport for Nakhon Ratchasima. detailed annotations, Map 7 - the Demolitioin area For Parents; For Campers; For Staff; COVID-19; Blog; Login; Find Your Way. The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 27 January 1973 by the governments of North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and the United States with the intent to establish peace in Vietnam. [4]:135 The A-7D aircraft were pitted against the F-4 aircraft in dissimilar air combat exercises. Lived in a hootch built directly on the perimeter wire. 46th Special Forces (SF) The origins of Korat Air Base dates back to the Japanese Occupation of Thailand during World War II. From: A Royal Thai Army infantryman with 2nd Battalion, 3rd, to U.S. Army Col. Anthony Lugo (left), commander of 2nd. As a service to veterans, I ran the linked PDF of theCHECO Reportthrough OCR software before reposting it here. HHC USARSUPTHAI G-3 Section . Commando Scrimmage covered skills such as dogfighting, aerial refuelling, airborne command posts and forward air controllers. The accords effectively ended United States military operations in North and South Vietnam. After its closure, the USAF retained some barracks and personnel support facilities. Learn more about benefits related to Agent Orange exposure. There were all types of different banded drums full of herbicides that the local nationals sprayed around all the buildings, the basketball courts, and the fences. Separate 1969-73 21st MED Depot Medical 1967-70 Army Aviation 270th Transportation Detachment, USARSUPTHAI, 9th Logistical CommandPhoto by Spec.5 Wayne Eusanio. The squadron was redesignated the 17th Wild Weasel Squadron on 1 December 1971. * Memories of Camp Friendship * The Wild Weasels would remain at Korat along with the F-4s in their specialized mission. In 1985 the United States Congress authorized the sale of the F-16 fighter to Thailand. Ubon RTAFB with more MMS detail, Map of the Cantonment stationed in Hawaii - if they were ever needed. the Guestbook Below toAdd Your Name, DCA to do the right thing. Construction 1965-70 558th Supply Company561st Engineer Battalion Thirty-eight F-5E and F-5F Tiger II fighter-bombers formed the nucleus of the RTAF's defense and tactical firepower. . Many others werent that fortunate. there, 64-65, do you have a attorney? [5]:1967 The mission gradually evolved with the addition of new weapons and ECM equipment until the F-4 replaced the F-100 and the F-105D was replaced by the more capable and specialized two-place F-105F and G models. tlxLastPublishedDate.toLocaleString() : now.toLocaleString(); document.write("Last updated on " + edited); Geographical Location: Camp Friendship is located approximately 125 miles North-East of Bangkok in the city of Nakhon Ratchasima and adjoined of Takhli RTAFB, Annotated Google Map Photo of VA says the following military personnel are now included in the list of those possibly exposed to the toxins: Vietnam-era Veterans whose service involved duty on or near the perimeters of military bases in Thailand anytime between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975 may have been exposed to herbicides and may qualify for VA benefits. The initial College Eye support team personnel arrived at Korat on 20 September 1967. Heavy jungle on one side of wire, barren , moon scape on the camp side. 800-829-4833, Veterans Crisis Line:
In 2005, he filed a claim for service connection for diabetes based on exposure to herbicides. Immediately after the news broke of the use of Thai bases to support the Mayaguez rescue the Thai Government lodged a formal protest with the US and riots broke out outside the US Embassy in Bangkok. Day 6 - Transfer to Phi Phi Island! Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base (RTAFB) & Camp Friendship Maps Official Department of the Air Force Map Korat RTAFB, dated 1 January 1973. R. at 1510, 1642. The EC-121Ds provided airborne radar coverage and surveillance in support of aircraft flying combat operations. Go to to purchase the. Ironically it was approved for PTSD, not AO Never received a ruling on that, 100% trumps everything. [30] Joined by Company C in the later part of May, construction continued. The F-4 and A-7 aircraft practiced bombing and intercept missions in western Thailand. Yeah, I know it is a peninsula but that is all I have to go on without getting records but I think they might have been lost in the fire in St. Louis. _____________________________________________________________, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print VA is set to pay Leidos, an IT contractor, $25 million to implement its, Read More VA Pays Another IT Contractor Big BucksContinue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print Yesterday, VA OIG touted its big win but left out the obvious, that its, Read More VA OIG Cries Foul, Agency Duped by a Gun-Toting, Felon, Sex OffenderContinue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print The unveiling of the VA restructuring plan reportedly drew little outside enthusiasm. Welcome to Camp Friendship! Our MPs never patrolled the fences but we were obligated to pull guard duty along the perimeter. at the Southeast area of U-Tapao RTAFB, Map 8 - the We turned over the camp to the Thai Army officially on 1 July 1969 . Korat RTAFB is a major facility for the Cope Tiger exercises, an annual, multinational exercise conducted in two phases in the Asia-Pacific region. In early 1966, standard F-105Ds with no special electronic countermeasures (ECM) equipment accompanied F-100 Wild Weasel I aircraft equipped with basic ECM equipment. Day 7 - Phi Phi Boat Trip. 41 Squadron RNZAF New Zealand Bristol Freighters. Our platoon from the 720th MP Bn in The mission of the Wild Weasels was to eliminate SAM sites in North Vietnam. - U.S. Army (Retired), A New Zealand RAF Bristol transport. This office was in the same boat, over a year ago, and has locked down all of Florida! USARSUPTHAI On 25 April 1966 the United States Army Support Command, Thailand was activated on Okinawa and elements began deploying to Thailand on 17 October with the rear detachment closing on Camp Friendship on 15 November 1966. Are you looking for someone who is or was in THAILAND, CAMP FRIENDSHIP? 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