Belfast is the capital and largest city of Northern Ireland, standing on the banks of the River Lagan on the east coast of Northern Ireland. There are 4 ways to get from Belfast City Hall to Lisburn Road by train, bus, taxi or foot Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner. Filled with useful and timely travel information, the guides answer all the hard questions - such as 'How do I buy a ticket? What are the travel restrictions in Belfast Great Victoria Street? The Stena Line Belfast terminal is conveniently located close to the motorway network off Junction 1 of the M2 Motorway (Fortwilliam roundabout). By proceeding, you accept the use of cookies in accordance with our, Lisburn Road to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Take the train from Balmoral to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Take the bus from Belfast Kings Hall to Belfast Great Northern Mall, Take a taxi from Lisburn Road to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Walk from Lisburn Road to Belfast Great Victoria Street. Belfast, Laganside/Europa Buscentre - Bangor, Buscentre, Bangor, Buscentre - Belfast, Europa Buscentre, Bangor, Buscentre - Dundonald, Ulster Hospital, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Newtownards, Bus Station, Bangor, Buscentre - Newtownards, Buscentre, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Ballywalter, Main Street, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Movilla Rd, Bowtown Tng Circ, Belfast, Laganside Buscentre - Ballygowan - Raffrey, Church Corner, Downpatrick, Bus Station - Shrigley, Mill, Downpatrick, Bus Station - Strangford, Cuan Bar, Downpatrick, Bus Station - Ballyhornan, Cable Bar, Downpatrick, Bus Station - Ballyhornan Cable, Bar, Downpatrick, Bus Station - Ballykinlar, Camp, Downpatrick, Bus Station - Ballylucas, Bus stop, Downpatrick, Bus Station - Strangford, Square, Downpatrick, Bus Station - Ardglass, Bath Street, Downpatrick, Bus Station - Clough Main Street, Downpatrick, Bus Station - Newcastle, Bus Station, Downpatrick, Bus Station - Ballynahinch, Main Street, Ballynahinch, Windmill Street- Downpatrick, Bus Station, Ballynahinch, Windmill Street - Newcastle, Bus Station, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Lisburn, Buscentre, Rosevale Park, Bus stop - Belfast, Europa Buscentre, Thompson's Cottages, Drumbeg - Lisburn, Buscentre, Lisburn, Buscentre - Belvoir Park, Bus Stop, Lisburn, Buscentre - Ulster Hospital Dundonald, Lisburn, Castle Street - Ballynahinch, Bus Depot, Lisburn, Bus Centre - Newcastle, Bus Depot, Ballynahinch, Windmill Street - Turleys Shop, Dechomet, Banbridge, Kenlis Street - Rathfriland, Bus Depot, Banbridge, War Memorial - Rathfriland, Bus Depot, Banbridge, Bus Station - Newcastle, Bus Station, Rathfriland, Bus Depot - Newry, Buscentre, Rathfriland, Bus Depot - Newcastle, Bus Station, Newcastle, Bus Station - Kilkeel, Greencastle Street, Lisburn Buscentre - Sprucefield Shopping Centre, Newry, Buscentre - Kilkeel, Greencastle Street, Newry, Buscentre - Armagh Buscentre, Lonsdale Road, Newry, Buscentre - Bessbrook, Charlemont Square, Bessbrook, Charlemont Square - Newry, Buscentre, Newry, Buscentre - Jonesborough, Kilmasaggart, Banbridge, War Memorial - Newry, Buscentre, Lurgan, Market Street - Portadown, High Street, Lurgan, Market Street - Carn, Industrial Estate, Moira, Main Street - Portadown, High Street, Lisburn, Buscentre - Flatfields, Spences Bridge, Lisburn, Buscentre - Maghaberry - Aghalee, Lurgan, Market Street - Derrytrasna, Bannfoot, Lurgan, Market Street - Banbridge, Bus Station, Derrylin, Croosroads - Enniskillen, Buscentre, Enniskillen, Buscentre - Derrygonnelly, Main Street, Derrygonnelly, Main Street - Enniskillen, Drumclay Link, Enniskillen, Buscentre - Fivemiletown, Shop Bus stop, Craigavon, Rushmere Centre - Armagh, Buscentre, Portadown, High Street - Banbridge, Bus Station, Portadown, Carleton Street - Newry, Buscentre, Portadown, Carleton Street - Markethill, Main Street, Portadown, Church Street - Hamiltonsbawn, Village, Timoneys Road - Enniskillen, Drumclay Link, Portadown, High Street - Dungannon, Bus Station, Dungannon, Bus Station - Portadown, High Street, Portadown, High Street - Tullyroan Bridge, Armagh Buscentre, Lonsdale Road - Darkley, Main Street, Armagh, Buscentre - Monaghan, Bus Station, Monaghan, Bus Station - Armagh, Outside Buscentre, Armagh Buscentre, Lonsdale Road - Dungannon, Bus Station, Benburb, Post Office - Dungannon, Bus Station, Armagh, Buscentre - Dungannon, Bus Station, Dungannon, Bus Station - Armagh, Buscentre, Dungannon, Bus Station - Caledon, Main Street, Portadown High Street - Dungannon, Bus Station, Dungannon, Bus Station - Craigavon Hospital, Dungannon, Bus Station - Dungannon, Bus Station, Dungannon, Bus Station - Omagh, Buscentre, Dungannon, Bus Station - Aughnacloy, Main Street, Dungannon, Bus Station - Cookstown, Bus Station, Dungannon, Bus Station - Coalisland - Dungannon, Bus Station, Dungannon, Bus Station - Cookstown, James Street, Bus Station - Cookstown - Bus Station - Dungannon, Dungannon, Bus Station - Dungannon Bus Station, Carnan Corner(Direct) - Bus Station - Cookstown, Magherafelt, Buscentre - Ballyronan, Marina, Cookstown - Heagneys (With Omagh Connection), Omagh - Gortin Glen Forest Park - Gortin Village - Plumbridge, Omagh - Gortin Glen Forest Park - Gortin Village - An Creagan Centre, Omagh, Buscentre - Greencastle, Crossroads, Omagh, Buscentre - Creggan,An Creagan Centre, Enniskillen, Buscentre - Omagh, Buscentre, Clones, Jubilee Road - Enniskillen, Buscentre, Omagh, Bus Station - Castlederg, John Street, Foyle Street, Buscentre - Strabane, Buscentre, Enniskillen, Bus Station - Bundoran, Astoria Road, Foyle Street Buscentre - Strabane Buscentre, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Crumlin, Main Street, Lisburn Buscentre - Pond Park - Lisburn Buscentre, Tullyrusk Road, Lisburn - Lisburn, Park Gates, Belfast, Europa/GVS Buscentre - Crumlin, Main Street, Crumlin, Main Street - Belfast, Millfield College, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Diamond, Post Office, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Antrim, Buscentre, International Airport - Antrim, Buscentre, Antrim, Buscentre - Cookstown, Bus Station, Antrim, Buscentre - Randalstown, New Street, Antrim, Buscentre - Cookstown, Union Road, Antrim, Buscentre - Magherafelt Buscentre, Ballymena, Buscentre - Ballymoney, Bus Station, Ballymena, Buscentre - Kilrea, Church Street, Union Road - Magherafelt - Main Street - Dungiven, Coleraine, Buscentre - Kilrea, Church Street, Ardreagh, Junction - Coleraine, Buscentre, Belfast, Laganside Buscentre - Ballymena, Buscentre, Antrim, Buscentre - Holywell Hospital - Antrim Area Hospital, Ballymena, Buscentre - Randalstown, New Street, Ballymena, Buscentre - Millquarter, Post Office, Ballymena, Buscentre - Magherafelt, Buscentre, Ballymena, Buscentre - Broughshane, Commons Estate, Ballymena, Bus Station - Ballymena, Bus Station, Ballymena, Bus Station - Larne, Bus Station, Ballymena, Buscentre - Ballycastle, Marine Corner, Ballymoney, Buscentre - Portrush, Dunluce Avenue, Loughgiel, Chapel - Ballymoney, Buscentre, Coleraine, Buscentre - Limavady, Buscentre, Coleraine, Buscentre - Portrush, Dunluce Ave, Coleraine, Buscentre- Coleraine, Buscentre, Coleraine Buscentre - Coleraine Buscentre, Coleraine, Buscentre - Coleraine, Buscentre, Coleraine - Buscentre - Coleraine - Buscentre, Ballyclare, Bus Station - Ballymena, Buscentre, Belfast, Laganside Buscentre - Larne, Bus Station, Larne, Bus Station - Antrim Area Hospital, Carrickfergus - Antrim Area Hospital - Antrim, Whitehead, Cable Road - Brown's Bay, Village, Coleraine, Buscentre - Ballycastle, Marine Corner, Ballymena, Buscentre - Coleraine, Buscentre, Kilrea, Church Street - Limavady, Buscentre, Coleraine, Buscentre - Ballycastle, Marine Cnr, Ballycastle, Marine Cnr - Coleraine, Buscentre, Enniskillen, Buscentre - Swanlinbar, Cullen's Shop, Swanlinbar, Cullen's Shop - Enniskillen, Buscentre, Kesh, Post Office - Enniskillen, Buscentre, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Bangor Buscentre, Europa Buscentre - Belfast - Gibsons Lane - Newtownards, Belfast, Laganside Buscentre - Ballycastle, Marine Corner, Ballyclare, Bus Station - Belfast, Laganside Buscentre, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - International Airport, Terminal Bdg, Omagh, Bus Station - Magherafelt, Buscentre, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Bangor, Buscentre, Belfast, Laganside Buscentre - Shrigley, Mill, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Shrigley Mill, Belfast, Laganside Buscentre - Drumbo Church, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Downpatrick, Bus Station, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Newcastle Bus Station, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Edenderry, Village, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Old Warren Estate, Bus stop, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Sprucefield, Shopping Centre, Belfast, Queen Street - Sprucefield, Shopping Centre, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Newry, Buscentre, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Craigavon, Rushmere, Belfast - Carrickfergus - Ballycarry - Whitehead, Whitehead - Ballycarry - Carrickfergus - Belfast, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Sprucefield Park & Ride, Belfast, Europa Buscentre - Dromore , Square, Belfast, Adelaide Street - Ballynahinch, Windmill Street, Belfast, Adelaide Street - Carryduff Church Road, Belfast, Adelaide Street - Carryduff Drumalig Turning Circle, Belfast,Laganside - Ballyclare, Bus Station, Belfast, Europa - Newtownards Strangford Arms. ', 'Do the trains and buses have Wifi?' The best way to get from Lisburn Road to Belfast Europa Bus Centre without a car is to train which takes 14 min and costs $7-$10. 9A bus timetable overview: Normally starts operating at 06:43 and ends at 22:23. ', 'How much should I expect to pay? There are 568+ hotels available in Belfast Europa Bus Centre. Increase the reach of your titles YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. Choose any of the 9A bus stops below to find updated real-time timetables and to see their route map. School Services. Lisburn Road to Belfast Great Victoria Street bus services, operated by Translink UK, depart from Belfast Kings Hall station. These cookies are set when you submit a form, login or interact with the site by doing something that goes beyond clicking on simple links. Do I have to wear a face mask on public transport in Belfast Europa Bus Centre? Translink have introduced two new service routes for Lisburn and Castlereagh, improving transport accessibility across the city area. Train operators Translink UK Bus operators Translink UK It had a population of 333,871. Belfast suffered greatly in the Troubles: in the 1970s and 1980s it was reported to be one of the world's most dangerous cities, with a homicide rate around 31 per 100,000. To the best of our knowledge, it is correct as of the last update.Visit Rome2rio travel advice for general help. - Wikipedia. Take advantage of more than 300 bikes that you can rent 365 days a year from 6.00am to midnight. 18:15. Belfast suffered greatly in the Troubles: in the 1970s and 1980s it was reported to be one of the world's most dangerous cities, with a homicide rate around 31 per 100,000. What is the national COVID-19 helpline number in Belfast Great Victoria Street? Bus to Antrim and Lisburn A public bus runs from the airport to Antrim and Lisburn, the third largest city in Northern Ireland. The distance between Lisburn Road and Belfast Great Victoria Street is 2 miles. 530a Belfast, Bus Timetable Departure are listed for you in this content. To control third party cookies, you can also adjust your browser settings. Find all the transport options for your trip from Lisburn Bus Station to Belfast Europa Bus Centre right here. We would encourage use of these services to ease traffic congestion, promote a healthier lifestyle and ultimately help the environment., It is important that the Council work together with Translink in increasing the effectiveness of transport systems across Lisburn and Castlereagh to make the district a better place to live and work.. There are 115+ hotels available in Belfast Europa Bus Centre. 530a Belfast, Europa Bus stops are, departure times, how to get to the station. Yes, travel within United Kingdom is currently allowed. It is the largest museum in Northern Ireland, and one of the components of National Museums Northern Ireland. ', 'Should I book online before I travel? The Ulster Museum, located in the Botanic Gardens in Belfast, has around 8,000square metres of public display space, featuring material from the collections of fine art and applied art, archaeology, ethnography, treasures from the Spanish Armada, local history, numismatics, industrial archaeology, botany, zoology and geology. The journey time between Lisburn Road and Belfast Europa Bus Centre is around 14 min and covers a distance of around 4 km. 1. See all updates on 9A (from Conway (River Road)), including real-time status info, bus delays, changes of routes, changes of stops locations, and any other service changes. Am I allowed to travel from Lisburn Road to Belfast Great Victoria Street? The journey takes approximately 10 min. Yes, there is a direct bus departing from Belfast Donegall Square East and arriving at Belfast Kings Hall. Check Live Arrival Times for live arrival times and to see the full timetable for Conway - City Centre Bus that is closest to your location. Services depart hourly, and operate every day. The properties have an impressive frontage facing on-to the Lisburn Road, a significant arterial route into Belfast. Rome2rio also offers online bookings for selected operators, making reservations easy and straightforward. 122 routes. The journey takes approximately 25 min. Rome2rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can make an informed decision about which option will suit you best. Espresso Elements - one of the best cafes on the Lisburn Road, Belfast. Rome2rio uses cookies to help personalize content and show you personalised ads. Yes, travel within United Kingdom is currently allowed. Queen's University Belfast (informally Queen's or QUB) is a public research university in Belfast, Northern Ireland The university was chartered in 1845, and opened in 1849 as "Queen's College, Belfast", but has roots going back to 1810 and the Royal Belfast Academical Institution. 321e Antrim Hospital Link Line. 9A bus route operates everyday. Tickets cost $3-$5 and the journey takes 16 min. Lisburn Road (Finaghy) (inward) Map; Street View; 700000001272; 9C: Wellington Place 05:22 . Lisburn Bus Station to Belfast Europa Bus Centre train services, operated by Translink UK, depart from Lisburn station. Last updated: 21 Feb 2023
Some cookies on this site are essential, and the site won't work as expected without them. It is the 12th-largest city in the United Kingdom and the second-largest on the island of Ireland. It had a population of 333,871. To the best of our knowledge, it is correct as of the last update.Visit Rome2rio travel advice for general help. Domestic travel is not restricted, but some conditions may apply. Lisburn Road 028 9066 3030 563 Lisburn Road, Belfast, Co. Antrim, BT9 7GQ More Details. It had a population of 333,871. Online appointments and repeat prescriptions. Lisburn. From Europa Bus centre Ulster bus 530a and 530 to Lisburn stops at Lisburn road entrance; Park and Ride services from Blacks Road and Sprucefield stop at the Roden Street footbridge. Six Nations 2023 Rail Special. It is the 12th-largest city in the United Kingdom and the second-largest on the island of Ireland. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs 2-3 and takes 23 min. Moovit, an Intel company, is the worlds leading Mobility as a Service (Maas) solutions company and maker of the #1 urban mobility app. Despite the opening of larger concert halls in the city, such as the Waterfront Hall and the Odyssey, the Ulster Hall has remained a very popular venue, and is considered to evoke much more atmosphere than the newer venues. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs $3-$5 and takes 21 min. road centre hillsborough house from belfast city information moira area visit You also want an ePaper? For more information about Translink tickets costs please check the Moovit app or agency's official website. City Centre - Carnmoney - Fairview Road - Glenville, City Centre - New Mossley - Fairview Road - Glenville, City Centre - New Mossley - Mossley Glade, City Centre - Rathcoole - Rathfern - Monkstown, City Centre - Holywood Road - Knocknagoney, City Centre - Garnerville Road - Holywood Exchange, City Centre - Old Holywood Road - Holywood Exchange, City Centre - Belvoir - Beechill Road - Newtownbreda Tesco, City Centre - Belvoir - Newtownbreda Tesco, City Centre - Mount Merrion - Four Winds - Laurelgrove, City Centre - Mount Merrion - Upper Knockbreda Road, City Centre - Forestside - Mount Merrion - Stormont, City Centre - Stranmillis - Malone - Erinvale, City Centre - Balmoral (Sicily Park) - Conway, City Centre - Boucher Road - Musgrave Park Hospital, Musgrave Park Hospital - Boucher Road - City Centre, City Centre - Glencolin - Hannahstown Hill, City Centre - Turf Lodge - Glen Road - Colin - Twinbrook, City Centre - Turf Lodge - Glen Road - Colin - Twinbrook, City Centre - Ardoyne - Oldpark (Westland Road), City Centre - Black's Road - Belsteele Road - Lagmore, City Centre - Newtownabbey - City Centre (Circular), City Centre - Titanic Quarter (Belfast Met) - Queen's Road, City Centre - Titanic Quarter (Belfast Met) - Holywood Exchange, City Centre - Duncrue Road - Westbank Road - Stena Line Terminal, Ballybeen - East Link - Dundonald Ice Bowl - Forestside - Breda Acad, Europa Buscentre - City Centre - Belfast City Airport, Northside Park + Ride - City Centre - Northside Park + Ride, Eastside Park + Ride - City Centre - Eastside Park + Ride, Eastside Park + Ride - Northside Park + Ride - City Centre - Eastsid, Europa Buscentre - Black's Road (Park + Ride), Forestside - St George's Market - Adelaide Street, Colin Connect - Twinbrook - Upper Dunmurry Lane, University Square - City Centre - Ulster University - Yorkgate Stati, University Square - City Centre - Ulster University - UU Jordanstown. A bus service operated by Ulsterbus. Schooldays Only. Europa Buscentre and Great Victoria Street Train Station is a 7 minute drive away and the road has a regular Translink Metro service to Belfast City Centre. - Wikipedia. From navigating the Tube to exploring by ferry, Rome2rios UK travel guides give you the lowdown on this tourist hotspot. Ulster Rugby Fixtures. Tickets and Travel Cards. Belfast is the capital and largest city of Northern Ireland, standing on the banks of the River Lagan on the east coast of Northern Ireland. There are 558+ hotels available in Lisburn Road. Click on the Bus route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules. The best way to get from Lisburn Bus Station to Belfast Europa Bus Centre is to train which takes 34 min and costs $5-$8. The Premier Inn Lisburn provides travellers with a welcome stopover, book now for well-priced comfy beds and a Table Table restaurant on-site. What should I do if I have COVID-19 symptoms when I arrive in Belfast Europa Bus Centre? 530a Belfast, Europa Buscentre Lisburn | Timetable, 530 Belfast, Europa Buscentre Sprucefield, Shopping Centre | Timetable, 532 Belfast, Queen Street Sprucefield, Shopping Centre | Timetable. To the best of our knowledge, it is correct as of the last update.Visit Rome2rio travel advice for general help. Additionally the Upper Lisburn Road offers easy access to the city centre and motorway network. Rome2rio also offers online bookings for selected operators, making reservations easy and straightforward. Lisburn Road, Belfast Fully licensed modern 5 bed HMO property available to rent from August 2023. Yes, there is a direct bus departing from Belfast Kings Hall and arriving at Belfast Great Northern Mall. Our Belfast International Airport transfers to Belfast City Centre are an affordable, hassle-free option for reaching your destination quickly and comfortably. Services depart hourly, and operate every day. Lisburn Road Belfast Great Victoria Street, Rome2rio uses cookies to help personalize content and show you personalised ads. If you are on your way, here are the five best cafes on the Lisburn Road, Belfast, to try. Choose any of the 9A bus stops below to find updated real-time timetables and to see their route map. ', 'Do the trains and buses have Wifi?' We're working around the clock to bring you the latest COVID-19 travel updates.This information is compiled from official sources. North Down 028 9042 4747 54 High Street, Holywood, Co. Down, BT18 9AE More Details. See why over 1.5 million users trust Moovit as the best public transit app. 1A City Centre - Carnmoney - Fairview Road - Glenville. Belfast suffered greatly in the Troubles: in the 1970s and 1980s it was reported to be one of the world's most dangerous cities, with a homicide rate around 31 per 100,000. Exceptions may apply, for full details: UK Government. Answer 1 of 13: Hi, Wondering if anyone knows if there is a bus from the Applegreen Service Station on the Lisburn Road to Belfast City Centre (and return)? What is the national COVID-19 helpline number in Lisburn Road? It is the largest museum in Northern Ireland, and one of the components of National Museums Northern Ireland. Belfast City Hall to Dundonald International Ice Bowl, Belfast City Hall to Queen s University Belfast, Belfast City Hall to The Stormont Hotel Belfast, Belfast City Hall to Parliament Buildings, Belfast City Hall to Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, Belfast City Hall to Hilton Belfast Templepatrick, Belfast City Hall to Belfast Boucher Crescent, Belfast City Hall to Crumlin Road Town House Belfast, Belfast City Hall to Mater Infirmorum Hospital, Belfast City Hall to Belfast Lanyon Place, Belfast City Hall to St Patrick s Cathedral, Belfast City Hall to Belfast Castle Buildings, Great Victoria Street Station to Lisburn Road. We look forward to continuing to work closely with the Council to deliver attractive services for people across Lisburn and Castlereagh and would encourage people to take advantage of public transport as a more relaxing and convenient way to travel. Lurgan Loughview Park and Ride Lough Road to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Antrim Station to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Hilden Station Northern Ireland to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Lisburn Train Station to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Newtownabbey to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Drogheda to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Dunmurry to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Whitehead to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Coleraine University to Belfast Great Victoria Street, London Heathrow Airport LHR to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Greenisland to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Finaghy Station to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Bucharest to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Edinburgh Airport EDI to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Letterkenny to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Larne Port to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Ballynahinch to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Castledawson to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Belfast City Centre Lanyon Place to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Royal Victoria Hospital Northern Ireland to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Portadown Train Station to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Newry Train Station to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Forestside Shopping Centre to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Queen s University Belfast to Belfast Great Victoria Street. City. 325a Lisburn City Service - Miltown Estate - Lisburn Buscentre. Timetable for X30 - Newport City Centre - Cardiff (Greyfriars Road) Timetable for X30 - Newport City Centre - Cardiff (Greyfriars Road) Skip to content . Lisburn Road to Belfast Great Victoria Street train services, operated by Translink UK, arrive at Belfast Great Victoria Street station. The national COVID-19 helpline number in Belfast Europa Bus Centre is 111. What are the travel restrictions in Belfast Europa Bus Centre? Ulster Hall is a concert hall and grade B1 listed building in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Despite the opening of larger concert halls in the city, such as the Waterfront Hall and the Odyssey, the Ulster Hall has remained a very popular venue, and is considered to evoke much more atmosphere than the newer venues. A bus operator in Northern Ireland. White Field Coffee - for friendly staff and a chatty atmosphere. Rome2rio also offers online bookings for selected operators, making reservations easy and straightforward. 25b Lisburn, Buscentre - Belvoir Park, Bus Stop 25c Lisburn, Buscentre - Ulster Hospital Dundonald 26 Lisburn Buscentre - Dromara, Bus Depot 26a Lisburn, Castle Street - Ballynahinch, Bus Depot 26b Lisburn, Bus Centre - Newcastle, Bus Depot 27 Ballynahinch, Windmill Street - Turleys Shop, Dechomet 27a Dromara - St Colman's HS The Lisburn Road is one of Belfast city's main arterial routes, a 15-20 minute drive from Belfast City Airport and 30 minutes from Belfast International Airport. The cheapest way to get from Lisburn Bus Station to Belfast Europa Bus Centre is to drive which costs $3-$5 and takes 9 min. There are 115+ hotels available in Belfast Great Victoria Street. 1D City Centre - New Mossley - Mossley Glade. Rail Users North of Antrim connecting to/from Antrim Buscentre: Ulsterbus 109A/D Rome2rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Tickets for the 700 service are valid on a stand by basis for 12 hours either side of your original booking departure time. The best way to get from Lisburn Road to Belfast Europa Bus Centre is to train which takes 14 min and costs $7-$10. It stops nearby at 23:06. 9A (Conway - City Centre) is operational during everyday.Additional information: 9A has 34 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 minutes. Forestside Shopping Centre and Ulster Hospital. Luxury City Centre Apartment in Cathedral Quarter, Central Belfast Apartments: Alfred Street. From Belfast Kings Hall ( inward ) map ; Street View ; 700000001272 ; 9C: Wellington Place 05:22 Table... 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Belfast Donegall Square East and arriving at Belfast Kings Hall station, there is a concert Hall and B1. Third largest city in Northern Ireland COVID-19 helpline number in Belfast, Bus timetable overview lisburn road to city centre bus starts. Transfers to Belfast Great Victoria Street, Rome2rio uses cookies to help personalize content and you., here are the travel restrictions in Belfast Europa Bus stops are, times. Information is compiled from official sources 16 min currently allowed national COVID-19 helpline number in Belfast Bus. Apartments: Alfred Street destination quickly and comfortably, travel within United Kingdom is currently allowed BT9 7GQ more.... Map ; Street View ; 700000001272 ; 9C: Wellington Place 05:22 welcome... $ 3- $ 5 and takes 23 min city area more Details Bus, costs! Your destination quickly and comfortably - new Mossley - Mossley Glade arrive at Belfast Hall. 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